
Lindsay Milliken
Lindsay Milliken is a Research Assistant for Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy.
Steven Aftergood
Steven Aftergood is the Director of the Project on Government Secrecy.
我nnifer Erickson
我nnifer Erickson focuses on applying innovation and data-driven solutions to the organ donation shortage. Her work is supported by Arnold Ventures and Schmidt Futures, where she serves as an Innovation Fellow. She served in the Obama White House as the Assistant Director of Innovation for Growth in the Office of…

Featured Publications

Nuclear Notebook

December 2020: Chinese Nuclear Forces

China is continuing the nuclear weapons modernization program that it initiated in the 1980s and increased in the 1990s and 2000s, fielding more types and greater numbers of nuclear weapons than ever before.

Science Policy

The FDA should condition any vaccine approval on open trial data

With only 60 percent of Americans reporting that they’re willing to take a coronavirus vaccine, it’s not enough for the government to simply approve a vaccine candidate.