112 - 173年第112届国会参议院报告2 d会话_______________________________________________________________________ 2013财年国防授权法R E P O R T[陪同第3254条]军事委员会美国参议院2012年6月4日。——命令印刷[……)跨部门合作无人机系统(秒。1046)委员会推荐一项条款,该条款:(1)修改第1036条(a)的邓肯•亨特国防授权法2009财政年度(公法110 - 417),鼓励技术人员协作和共享,资源和信息在国防部(DOD)中,美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)和国家航空和宇宙航行局(NASA);(2)指导国防部长与美国联邦航空局(FAA)和美国航空航天局(NASA)管理者合作,解决将无人机系统(UAS)集成到国家领空系统(NAS)的挑战;(3)要求国防部长提供一份为期5年的关于UAS NAS集成的研发进展和未来资金需求的年度报告。UASs在全球反恐战争中已经清楚地展示了他们对国防部军事能力的巨大价值。UASs越来越多地为美国境内其他机构和部门的使命作出贡献。随着阿富汗冲突和其他地区军事行动在未来几年逐渐平息,目前部署在海外的大量无人驾驶飞机可能会返回美国,新的无人驾驶飞机正在研制中。如果不能在NAS中自由地进行常规操作,无人机的开发和培训——以及最终的操作能力——将受到严重影响。正如该委员会在前几年多次指出的那样,国防部的领导层姗姗来迟地认识到UAS NAS集成的重要性和难度。在过去5年取得进展的同时,必须加快发展步伐; greater cross-agency collaboration and resource sharing will contribute to that objective. DOD has invested significantly in resolving the technical challenges of UAS NAS integration, and this research and development and associated resources should be utilized for the benefit of this government-wide initiative, where applicable. The committee is encouraged by the relationship built between DOD, the FAA, and NASA for coordinating research and development and planning for this integration. The committee also recognizes the contribution that the Joint Planning and Development Office's (JDPO) report, ``NextGen Unmanned Aircraft Systems Research, Development and Demonstration Roadmap,'' dated March 15, 2012, has made by providing a multi-agency perspective on the technology required to enable UAS operations and integration in the next-generation NAS. The committee supports and encourages a deeper collaborative relationship between DOD and its JPDO partners to expedite development of the necessary technologies and to avoid redundant activities.