[国会记录第159卷,第26号(2013年2月25日星期一)] [参议院] [第S811-S812]向John D. Bennett女士致敬。主席先生,我也希望认识到致John D.Bennett,该公司董事,NCS的John D. Bennett致敬,中央情报署的董事,第二次于2月份退休。28, 2013. Mr. Bennett's career spans over 30 years in the CIA during which he distinguished himself as a patriot, leader, and friend of the U.S. Senate. John Bennett also served as an infantry officer in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1975 to 1980. It is a rare opportunity to pay tribute publicly to one of the men and women who serve beyond the front lines, working in secret to protect and serve the Nation. Having ``come in from the cold,'' I am pleased to be able to say a few words about John. A Massachusetts native, Mr. Bennett received a B.A. degree in government from Harvard University in 1975 and an M.A. in National Security Studies from Georgetown University in 1991. Since joining the CIA in 1981, John served more than 17 years abroad in multiple assignments, including as chief of station in multiple countries, in Southeast Asia and Africa, where he was able to use his language fluency of French. In addition to returning from retirement to take the helm of the NCS in July 2010, he has held Senior Executive Service level Headquarters assignments as Deputy Director of the National Clandestine Service for Community Human Intelligence from 2005-2006; Chief, Special Activities Division from 2003-2005; and Deputy Chief, Africa Division and Chief of Africa Operations from 1995- 1999. Mr. Bennett served also as the Executive Assistant to the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence from May 1990 to May 1991. When Director Panetta asked John to return to service he stated: John says what he thinks and he does what he says. I trust him, and I rely on him. He has helped guide the agency through some of the most complex and challenging operations imaginable, including the historic takedown of Osama bin Laden. John Bennett served with distinction as the Director of the NCS for the past 3 years. In this capacity, John had frequent interaction with Senators and staff of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. His professionalism, mature judgment, expertise, and frank advice earned him the respect and confidence of the committee. His sound judgment, courage, and candor also directly contributed to his successful representation of the CIA's interests before the committee and Congress. [[Page S812]] Throughout his career, John Bennett demonstrated a profound commitment to our Nation, selfless service to the CIA, deep concern for agency officers and their families, and a commitment to excellence. John is the consummate intelligence professional whose performance, in over 30 years of service, has personified those traits of courage, competency, and integrity that our Nation expects from its professional intelligence officers. I ask my colleagues to join me in thanking Mr. John Bennett for his honorable service to the Central Intelligence Agency and the people of the United States, and also to thank John's wife Kit for her support and understanding, as well as her sacrifices in allowing John to selflessly commit himself to protecting our Nation. We wish John and Kit Bennett all the best in the future. ____________________