[国会记录158卷172号(2013年1月1日星期二)][注释扩展][E2027页]2013财年情报授权法案______新泽西州众议员RUSH D. HOLT先生2012年12月31日星期一在众议院的演讲。议长女士,我感到遗憾的是,就像过去几年的许多前任法案一样,这项法案没有解决我们情报部门真正改革的迫切需要。令我特别不安的是,该法案未能解决中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency,简称cia)不断深化的军事化问题,这一进程早在很久以前就开始了,但在后9/11时代急剧加速。纵观CIA的历史,在历届总统的领导下,CIA一直在两条组织路径之间摇摆。第一项,也是最恰当的一项,是由中央情报局按照杜鲁门总统创建该机构时的意图去做:收集我们周围世界的信息,综合和分析这些数据,并将其提供给行政和立法机构,以供其酌情提供信息和采取行动。另一条道路——这条道路给中央情报局和我们的国家带来了如此多的悲伤——是军事化的秘密行动,而不是如此秘密的行动。今天,它表现在一场准公开承认的中央情报局无人机暗杀行动中,政府拒绝提供信息,尽管我和许多其他参众两院成员要求提供信息。在过去的十年里,当秘密项目的责任和责任界限模糊或不被遵守时,我们看到了发生了什么。其结果是一个拘留和审讯项目,这在道德上是一个国家的耻辱,在政治上是我们在世界各地盟友的一个信天翁。不那么隐蔽的“无人机战争”也在类似的下滑轨道上,而这项法案没有为该政策提供急需的航向修正。 This state of affairs is all the more regrettable because there are many dedicated professionals working in the CIA and elsewhere in our intelligence community who are forced to implement these questionable programs and policies. Some would agree with me that the entire enterprise is out of control and would benefit from much more focused and effective Congressional oversight. If this bill contained whistleblower protections for intelligence community employees, some of those individuals might well step forward to report what they know, and what they believe needs to be changed. But this bill contains no such protections, ensuring that the chilling threat of job retaliation remains in place. We will not restore true accountability and oversight over the intelligence community until such reforms are enacted, and which are absent from this bill. Accordingly, I cannot support it. ____________________