[国会记录第159卷,第86号(2013年6月17日星期一)] [备注] [页面e899-e900]“限制互联网和毯子电子审查电信和电子邮件(Libert-e)act''______HON。John Conyers,JR。Michigan在众议院,2013年6月17日星期一康奈斯先生。议员先生,鉴于最近关于国家安全局广泛监测计划的公众录取,今天我们正在介绍两党立法,将减少这些方案的过剩并保护我们的隐私权。“限制互联网和毯子电子邮件和电子邮件(Libert-e)法案”“包含致命提案,以加强我们的公民自由并持有我们的政府负责任。具体而言,Libert-E法案规定了以下立法变革:立法改革获得了对外国情报和国际恐怖主义调查的某些业务记录。Libert-E法案的第2节“美国爱国者法案”第215条,以防止批准外国情报调查,国际恐怖主义调查或秘密情报活动的批准企业纪录。目前,为了获得第215条法院命令,政府只需要表明记录是“相关”的调查。最近的报告表明ReportsReports,政府对“相关性”标准的看法包括给定网络上的每个电话的记录。 Section 2 of the LIBERT-E Act would also require that the government show that the relevance of these records to the investigation is based on ``specific and articulable'' facts, that the records are material to the investigation, and that the records ``pertain only to individuals under such investigation.'' In addition, the section removes a list of [[Page E900]] ``presumptively relevant'' records. The government should be required to show that the records it seeks are, in fact, material to a particular concern. The section also guarantees the recipient of a Section 215 order the right to challenge an accompanying gag order, and ensures notice and due process for any such challenger. The LIBERT-E Act also requires additional disclosures to Congress and the public in Section 3 of the legislation. This section provides for greater accountability and transparency in the implementation of the USA PATRIOT Act and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. This section amends existing reporting requirements contained in Section 601 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1871) by requiring the Attorney General to make available to all Members of Congress the information currently provided to the House and Senate intelligence and judiciary committees. It also requires that the Attorney General make unclassified summaries of each ``significant'' decision, order, or opinion of the FISA Court available to the public within 180 days of their submission to Congress. Further, this section requires the Inspectors General of the Department of Justice and the Intelligence Community to report on the impact that acquisition of foreign intelligence has had on the privacy of persons located in the United States. Lastly, the fourth section of the LIBERT-E Act requires that each assessment or review required under Title VII of FISA be submitted in unclassified form, with an unclassified index if necessary. I urge my colleagues to support this bipartisan measure, which protects our privacy and increases transparency in the government's use of these authorities. ____________________