第159卷第40号(2013年3月19日星期二)LEAHY先生S.S.607改善电子通讯隐私条款的法案向司法委员会提交师傅清凉。师傅总统,今天我很高兴介绍2013年电子通讯隐私法修正法-加强电子邮件和其他电子通讯隐私保护的法案司法委员会去年报告大量相似立法并获得两党强力支持我感谢共和党参议员Mike Lee 共同发起这一重要隐私法案李参议员和我理解 保护美国人隐私 对所有美国人都很重要 不论政党或思想我希望所有参议员都支持这个法案 参议院今年会通过隐私法同许多美国人一样,我对网络空间私生活日益不受欢迎地侵入感到关切。我也理解,我们必须更新数字隐私法以跟上这些威胁和技术快速进步27年前我带头写ECPA时 email是一个新奇无人能想到互联网移动技术 改变我们今天通信交换方式三十年后,我们必须更新这部法律以反映我们时代的现实,以便我们的联邦隐私法跟上美国创新和执法机构任务变化的步调并推广云计算等新技术, 并满足执法的合法需求。该法案要求政府获取搜索令, 依据似有理由获取美方邮件和其他电子通讯内容,许可要求有均衡例外处理紧急情况并按现行法律保护国家安全第二,该法案要求政府立即通知通过第三方服务提供商访问邮件内容的任何人,并向其提供搜索令副本和所获信息的其他细节该法案允许政府请求法院命令暂时延迟通知以保护政府持续调查的完整性法案允许政府请求法院暂时禁止服务提供方通知客户披露该法案载有若干重要规定,以确保ECPA改革不妨碍执法工作。该法案为法律添加新通知要求,要求服务提供方通知政府他们打算至少三个工作日前通知客户披露电子通信信息此外,为帮助执法调查和起诉公司错失行为,法案将民事发现传票加到政府可使用的现有工具中以获取ECPA非内容信息法案还明确指出,政府还可以继续使用行政、民事发现和大陪审团传讯直接从公司实体获取企业邮件和其他电子通讯,当这些通信载入内部邮件系统时。最后,法案还规定,法案中的搜索令要求不适用于其他联邦刑法或国家安全法,包括1986年综合犯罪控制安全街法第三章,通称Wiretap法和1978年外国情报监视法50U.S.C高级技术员1801等常用FISA自2011年初我首次提出更新ECPA的建议以来,我一直努力确保这些更新谨慎平衡隐私利益、执法需求以及我们兴旺美科技部门的利益过去两年间,我咨询了联邦、州和地方执法界的许多利益攸关方,包括司法部、联邦贸易委员会、证券交易委员会、国际警察局长协会、联邦执法人员协会、州刑事调查机构协会和国家警长协会民权科技界支持这些改革,113大会有重要契机 解决今日美国人 面临的数字隐私挑战我们应当通过颁布本法案所载的常识隐私改革来做到这一点。参议院司法委员会于1986年9月19日报告电子通讯隐私法时,得到所有民主党和共和党参议员的一致支持当时,委员会确认保护美国人隐私权不应是一个党派问题。本着两党精神,我很高兴与李参议员一起敦促国会立即颁布这些重要的隐私改革李参议员和我加入这项努力,是一个广泛的联盟,由50多位政治界的隐私、公民自由、民权和技术行业领导人组成,他们也支持ECPA改革努力。我感谢数字进程联盟、数字四联和倡导ECPA改革的许多其他个人和组织支持。希望所有参院成员都学习他们的榜样, 这样我们就能在两党强力支持下发布数字隐私法案师傅总统,我请求一致同意 法案文本打印记录无人反对,命令在记录中打印帐单全文如下:607Be由美利坚合众国参院在国会集合第1节颁布浅线程该法案可引用为2013年电子通信隐私法修正法证监会二叉电子通讯可靠性Section 2702(a)(3) of title 18, United States Code, is       amended to read as follows:        ``(3) a provider of remote computing service or electronic       communication service to the public shall not knowingly       divulge to any governmental entity the contents of any       communication described in section 2703(a), or any record or       other information pertaining to a subscriber or customer of       such service.''.证监会3级消除180天规则搜索警告请求需要解禁库斯托尔记录(a) In General.--Section 2703 of title 18, United States       Code, is amended--        (1) by striking subsections (a), (b), and (c) and inserting       the following:        ``(a) Contents of Wire or Electronic Communications.--A       governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider       of electronic communication service or remote computing       service of the contents of a wire or electronic communication       that is in electronic storage with or otherwise stored, held,       or maintained by the provider only if the governmental entity       obtains a warrant issued using the procedures described in       the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (or, in the case of a       State court, issued using State warrant procedures) that is       issued by a court of competent jurisdiction directing the       disclosure.``(b) Notice.--Except as provided in section 2705, not       later than 10 business days in the case of a law enforcement       agency, or not later than 3 business days in the case of any       other governmental entity, after a governmental entity       receives the contents of a wire or electronic communication       of a subscriber or customer from a provider of electronic       communication service or remote computing service under       subsection (a), the governmental entity shall serve upon, or       deliver to by registered or first-class mail, electronic       mail, or other means reasonably calculated to be effective,       as specified by the court issuing the warrant, the subscriber       or customer--        ``(1) a copy of the warrant!并通知中包括第2705(a)(4)(B)项第(一)项和第(二)项所述信息``(c) Records Concerning Electronic Communication Service       or Remote Computing Service.--        ``(1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (2), a governmental       entity may require a provider of electronic communication       service or remote computing service to disclose a record or       other information pertaining to a subscriber or customer of       the provider or service (not including the contents of       communications), only if the governmental entity--        ``(A) obtains a warrant issued using the procedures       described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (or, in       the case of a State court, issued using State warrant       procedures) that is issued by a court of competent       jurisdiction directing the disclosure!QQLB获取法院指令QLC获取用户或客户对披露的同意或提交正式书面请求与执法调查相关联,为用户或客户名称、地址和营业地进行远程营销欺诈(第2325节定义)。a提供电子通讯服务或远程计算服务者应响应联邦或州法规授权的行政传讯,大陪审团、审判或民事发现传讯或第(1)款授权的任何手段向政府实体披露-quaQQB地址本地长距离电话连接记录或会议时间和持续时间记录服务长度(包括起始日期)和服务类型使用电话或工具号或其他用户号或身份,包括任何临时分配网络地址并支付用户或客户支付服务费的手段和源码(包括任何信用卡或银行账户号)。.-政府实体接收本分节下记录或资料无需向订阅者或客户提供通知and        (2) by adding at the end the following:        ``(h) Rule of Construction.--Nothing in this section or in       section 2702 shall be construed to limit the authority of a       governmental entity to use an administrative subpoena       authorized under a Federal or State statute or to use a       Federal or State grand jury, trial, or civil discovery       subpoena to--        ``(1) require an originator, addressee, or intended       recipient of an electronic communication to disclose the       contents of the electronic communication to the governmental       entity!or        ``(2) require an entity that provides electronic       communication services to the officers, directors, employees,       or agents of the entity (for the purpose of carrying out       their duties) to disclose the contents of an electronic       communication to or from an officer, director, employee, or       agent of the entity to a governmental entity, if the       electronic communication is held, stored, or maintained on an       electronic communications system owned or operated by the       entity.''.技术规范修正-美国法典标题18第2703(d)节修正--(1)查封“a法院命令披露分节b或c'并插入“a法院命令披露分节c'并(2)打击“电路或电子通讯内容或'证监会4级淡化通知标题18第2705节修改如下:SEC2705淡化通知``(a) Delay of Notification.--        ``(1) In general.--A governmental entity that is seeking a       warrant under section 2703(a) may include in the application       for the warrant a request for an order delaying the       notification required under section 2703(b) for a period of       not more than 180 days in the case of a law enforcement       agency, or not more than 90 days in the case of any other       governmental entity.(2)判定-a法院应批准根据第(1)款提出的延迟通知请求,如果法院判定有理由相信通知搜查令的存在可能导致-QQB飞行C)销毁或篡改证据++D威胁潜在目击者或sqljje严重危害调查或不当延迟审判扩展.-应政府实体请求,法院可准予延长一次或多次根据第2款准予的通知延期不超过180天,如为执法机构,则不超过90天,如为任何其他政府实体,则不超过90天``(4) Expiration of the delay of notification.--Upon       expiration of the period of delay of notification under       paragraph (2) or (3), the governmental entity shall serve       upon, or deliver to by registered or first-class mail,       electronic mail, or other means reasonably calculated to be       effective as specified by the court approving the search       warrant, the customer or subscriber--        ``(A) a copy of the warrant!并通知客户或订阅者-ecom服务或远程计算服务提供方为客户或用户保留的信息提供过程或请求中命名的信息或请求提供方或政府实体请求提供方{{{{{{{{{{{{}日期向提供方送达搜索令和提供方向政府实体提供资料日期++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++和该章中授权延迟的规定``(b) Preclusion of Notice to Subject of Governmental       Access.--        ``(1) In general.--A governmental entity that is obtaining       the contents of a communication or information or records       under section 2703 may apply to a court for an order       directing a provider of electronic communication service or       remote computing service to which a warrant, order, subpoena,       or other directive under section 2703 is directed not to       notify any other person of the existence of the warrant,       order, subpoena, or other directive for a period of not more       than 180 days in the case of a law enforcement agency, or not       more than 90 days in the case of any other governmental       entity.(2)判定-a法院应批准请求根据第(1)款发布命令,如果法院判定有理由相信通知授权令、命令、传票或其他指令的存在可能导致--a/a/QQB飞行C)销毁或篡改证据++D威胁潜在目击者或sqljje严重危害调查或不当延迟审判扩展.-应政府实体请求,法院可准予根据第2款签发的不超过180天的命令延期一次或多次,如果是执法机构,则不超过180天,如果是任何其他政府实体,则不超过90天。``(4) Prior notice to law enforcement.--Upon expiration of       the period of delay of notice under this section, and not       later than 3 business days before providing notice to a       customer or subscriber, a provider of electronic       communication service or remote computing service shall       notify the governmental entity that obtained the contents of       a communication or information or records under section 2703       of the intent of the provider of electronic communication       service or remote computing service to notify the customer or       subscriber of the existence of the warrant, order, or       subpoena seeking that information.``(c) Definition.--In this section and section 2703, the       term `law enforcement agency' means an agency of the United       States, a State, or a political subdivision of a State,       authorized by law or by a government agency to engage in or       supervise the prevention, detection, investigation, or       prosecution of any violation of criminal law, or any other       Federal or State agency conducting a criminal       investigation.''.证监会5级规则搭建Nothing in this Act or an amendment made by this Act shall       be construed to apply the warrant requirement for contents of       a wire or electronic communication authorized under this Act       or an amendment made by this Act to any other section of       title 18, United States Code (including chapter 119 of such       title (commonly known as the ``Wiretap Act'')), the Foreign       Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C.1801等)或联邦法任何其他规定______