[国会记录第159卷,第27号(2013年2月26日星期二)][参议院][page S875-S876]参议院第50号决议——授权情报特别委员会的支出情报特别委员会委员;已提交规则和行政委员会:S. Res. 50决议,第1节。一般的权威。在执行其权力、职责和功能在参议院常务规则下,依照其管辖权规则在第二十五站立的参议院规则下,包括举行听证,报告这样的听证会,并使调查作为段落1和8的授权规则的第二十六章站在参议院规则,特别情报委员会(在本决议中称为“委员会”)自2013年3月1日起至2013年9月30日,根据其自行决定授权——(1)从参议院的应急基金中支出;(2)聘用人员;(3)在政府有关部门或机构以及规则和管理委员会的事先同意下,在可报销或不可报销的基础上使用任何该部门或机构人员的服务。秒。2。截至2013年9月30日期间的费用。 The expenses of the committee for the period March 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013 under this resolution shall not exceed $3,739,220, of which amount-- (1) not to exceed $10,000 may be expended for the procurement of the services of individual consultants, or organizations thereof (as authorized by section 202(i) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 (2 U.S.C. 72a(i))); and SEC. 3. EXPENSES AND AGENCY CONTRIBUTIONS. (a) Expenses of the Committee.-- (1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), expenses of the committee under this resolution shall be paid from the contingent fund of the Senate upon vouchers approved by the chairman of the committee. (2) Vouchers not required.--Vouchers shall not be required for-- (A) the disbursement of salaries of employees paid at an annual rate; (B) the payment of telecommunications provided by the Office of the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper; (C) the payment of stationery supplies purchased through the Keeper of the Stationery; (D) payments to the Postmaster of the Senate; (E) the payment of metered charges on copying equipment provided by the Office of the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper; (F) the payment of Senate Recording and Photographic Services; or (G) the payment of franked and mass mail costs by the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, United States Senate. (b) Agency Contributions.--There are authorized such sums as may be necessary for agency contributions related to the compensation of employees of the committee from March 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013, to be paid from the appropriations account for ``Expenses of Inquiries and Investigations'' of the Senate. [[Page S876]] ____________________