2013年11月13日,星期三,国会记录第159卷,第161号。总统先生,我赞扬奥巴马总统提名帕特里夏·m·瓦尔德法官担任隐私与公民自由监督委员会(PCLOB)成员。2012年8月2日,参议院一致批准瓦尔德法官担任该职位。总统今年3月重新提名瓦尔德担任该职位,司法委员会几个月前对提名进行了有利报告,没有提出异议。沃尔德法官在这个重要的监督委员会任职期间,以极大的专业精神和奉献精神服务。下周,她将获得总统自由勋章,总统能授予平民的最高荣誉。在过去的几个月里,我们一直在参与一场关于限制政府监控权力的必要性日益增长的全国性辩论。在未来几周,众议院和参议院将考虑两党立法,限制这些扩张的权力,以保护美国人的隐私,并增加透明度和监督。虽然我期待着对这项重要立法的辩论和审议,但隐私和公民自由监督委员会(Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board)迫切需要继续全力运作,以保障我们的宪法权利。最近几个月,PCLOB已经就这些监控事项举行了两次全天听证会,并计划向总统和国会发布一份重要报告。 Judge Wald has been a key participant in these proceedings. Should the Senate fail to confirm her nomination before we adjourn, however, Judge Wald would be forced to step down from the PCLOB at a critical time when the board is conducting its work to evaluate the privacy and civil liberties implications of the Nation's surveillance programs. Democrats, Independents, and Republicans alike have supported the important work of this nonpartisan board. Unfortunately, a secret objection on the Republican side is needlessly delaying Judge Wald's confirmation. I urge the Senate to promptly confirm this well qualified nominee, so that the PCLOB can carry out its important responsibilities. If a single Republican Senator has a concern about Judge Patricia Wald's impeccable credentials, they should come forward with the reason they are holding up her confirmation. ____________________