
登录号:218242文件编号:TX-401日期:03/05/92标题:社论:圣安东尼奥峰会(400)(03/05/92)文本:*92030501.TXT社论:圣安东尼奥峰会(400)(以下是美国之音3月5日广播的社论,反映美国政府的观点。)美国总统布什和六个拉丁美洲国家的领导人上星期在德克萨斯州的圣安东尼奥会晤,重申他们对打击非法毒品的承诺。玻利维亚、哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔、墨西哥、秘鲁总统以及委内瑞拉外交部长和美国一致认为,自两年前在哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳举行的峰会以来,已经取得了很大进展。今年的峰会在一份概述国际麻醉品控制新战略的联合声明中结束。布什总统强调了联合声明中的一些重要内容。首先,他说,“毒品控制和加强司法管理包括拦截毒贩飞机的项目……控制基本化学品和洗钱活动,加强司法合作。第二,经济和金融领域重点关注投资、贸易、债务、替代发展,并首次关注毒品走私造成的环境破坏。第三,预防和减少需求。”在评价第一次毒品峰会以来多国努力取得的成功时,布什总统指出:“头号毒枭要么死了,要么被关进监狱;查获的可卡因和其他毒品数量达到创纪录水平; cultivation has leveled off; interdiction is up worldwide; we have cracked down on drug users; consumption is declining as our people increasingly reject drugs, especially our youth; our judicial institutions are stronger, better able to meet the challenge; our efforts against money laundering, chemical diversion and illegal arms exports are improving." President Bush said the United States will continue to attack the demand side of the international drug problem. But he also called for more cooperation and greater effort by countries most concerned with the supply side of the problem. Eradication of drug producing crops, stepped-up 1nterdiction efforts, more cooperation in detecting and seizing drug traffic revenues and better intelligence are needed to stop the deadly flow of illicit drugs. "If we do not work together," President Bush said, "the traffickers will destroy us separately." President Bush also stressed that the fight against drugs must always conform to democratic principles. "None of us wants a drug-free dictatorship," he said. We must protect the human and civil rights of our citizens. We are all committed to defending democracy and its principles as we defeat the scourge of drugs." NNNN .