
登录号:217238 FILE ID:AR-419 DATE:92年2月27日TITLE:(只有英文版)(92年2月27日)TEXT:* 92022719.ARF * ARF419 2月27日/ 92 *(英文)干部同意ON需要合作在打击药物(基于加维里亚,藤森新闻的conf 2/26)(700)通过诺玛罗马 - 贝大伟美国新闻署职员通讯员圣安东尼奥 - 哥伦比亚总统加维里亚被预测一帆风顺圣宣言安东尼奥,尽管反毒品政策,自己和秘鲁总统藤森之间的意见分歧。“宣言几乎准备就绪,”加维里亚告诉记者,该文件的签署预定2月27日的前一天,参加圣安东尼奥药品峰会列明的抗药物1trategy的七个国家。“但我必须承认,有需要被熨平了一定的差异......”加维里亚在2月26日至27日峰会的第一天说。“这是主权国家会议,这可能对如何最好地打击麻醉品贩运的问题不同的观点,”他说。“但目标是相同的,我们都一致认为narcotraffic的问题必须通过政治共同的挑战 - 而这就是基本上是计数”任何一种有关在使用的各种工具的分歧(打击麻醉品贩运的斗争)将被克服。据我所知,唯一的分歧来自秘鲁....我了解秘鲁的情况下,它是来自哥伦比亚的情况非常不同。的确,秘鲁需要的资金更大的涌入打它的问题。“加维里亚指的是由藤森的声明公开拒绝哥伦比亚的建议,设定具体目标和时间表的可卡因生产和消费的减少。”我们不能没有的资源目标去迎接他们,”藤森说,哥伦比亚计划要求到2010年消除毒品问题的这将通过其他目标的实现前面;例如,哥伦比亚计划呼吁通过一个共同犯罪码 that would allow greater judicial cooperation and intelligence sharing by 1995. By the year 2,000, Colombia proposes to eliminate the diversion of chemicals into the illicit manufacture of cocaine and heroin. By 2005, there should be a 70 percent reduction of drug addiction among the summit participating countries. But management by objectives is not applicable to the Peruvian situation, Fujimori retorted. "Peru has 250,000 coca-farming families," he said. "These people have a special sensitivity to numbers that we probably would not be aware of here." Fujimori said his strategy calls for policies designed to "attract" this segment of Peruvian society, "to bring them to our side." "These are peasants, not delinquents criminals," he said. "We are trying to gain their trust and establish an alliance." He added, "So far, the war on drugs has been a failure and we need to rethink our strategy." Asked about the Peruvian strategy, Fujimori emphasized "a comprehensive plan" that allows coca-growers to switch from one economy to another. "And for this we need additional funds." He noted that while Peru produces 60 percent of the world's coca, the raw material from which cocaine is made, it receives "0.5 of one percent of the $12,700 million U.S. antidrug budget." According to John Walters, deputy director for suppy reduction in the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), the United States has agreed to provide Peru with $102.8 million in antinarcotics assistance for Fiscal Year 1991 ($19 million for law enforcement, $60 million for economic development, and $23.8 million for military antinarcotics programs). Despite their differences, Fujimori and Gaviria agreed on the need to 1nclude other countries in the war on drugs. Colombia would like to see the creation of a ministerial-type mission to visit the European Community, Japan, and the rest of the Asia to "express our wish to expand multilateral cooperation," Gaviria said. He also announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding with Mexico on eradication of opium poppy crops. Colombia manually eradicated 1,500 hectares of poppies in 1991 and expects to use the herbicide glyphosate to destroy another 1,500 hectares, Gaviria said. NNNN .