
登录号:210457 1ile id: ar-408日期:01/16/92 title: * arf408 01/16/92 * (01/16/92) text:* ARF408 01/16/92 * O(西班牙)HFBI链接美国街头帮派麦德林卡特尔SH (LA帮派成员毒品网络被捕)(480)tlo洛杉矶,美国联邦调查局(FBI)分手了药品分销网络由洛杉矶黑帮成员出售可卡因和裂纹由过去的麦德林卡特尔10年。两人被捕,三人仍在逃,第六人因先前的定罪已被监禁。联邦调查局1月8日宣布,这些人都被指控犯有联邦毒品走私罪。“这是我们第一次明确地将街头帮派与哥伦比亚贩毒集团联系起来,”该机构洛杉矶办事处的发言人约翰胡斯(John Hoos)说。“我们过去有情报说,这些贩毒集团向美国街头帮派提供毒品,这证实了这一点。”他说,街头帮派“跛子”在麦德林贩毒集团的协助下,每月进口约400公斤可卡因。这些可卡因从哥伦比亚经墨西哥经陆路运到洛杉矶,再从那里运到美国西部的多个城市,包括夏威夷的火奴鲁鲁和阿拉斯加的安克雷奇。该团伙每年净赚约300万美元。 An FBI statement noted that "the Colombian cartels have sold and continue to sell drugs to upper-level street gang dealers on a consignment basis, a strong indicator of the developing trust between the cartels and street gang drug dealers." The drug network was headed by Stacey Harper, 33, and Ernest Bronson, 27, the statement said. Harper was arrested in Anchorage and Bronson remains at large. They are both Americans, as are two other suspects. Two suspects are Colombian: Blanca Liria Mosquera, 45, who is at large, and her husband Orlando Guttierez-Ramos (spelling correct), who is in a California state prison. The arrested suspects are being held without bail. If brought to trial and convicted, two suspects face life sentences and the others face minimum mandatory sentences of at least 20 years. The FBI has initiated proceeds to seize luxury automobiles, businesses, residences, bank accounts, and personal property such as jewelry believed to have been purchased with illicit drug proceeds. Virtually all of the cocaine sold by the gang was converted to crack, the most addictive form of the drug. The FBI noted that gang homicides have erupted in Los Angeles since the introduction of crack in 1982. At that time there were 205 gang homicides; last year there were more than 700. On Jan. 9, the FBI announced it would move 300 agents from counterintelligence to help state and local authorities investigate violent gangs. The transfer of agents, the FBI said, is an expansion of "Operation Safe Streets," launched last November to deal with the drug-related violent crime problem in Washington. Los Angeles and New York were the two of 39 cities slated to gain the most agents. NNNN 1CCESSION NUMBER:209758 FILE ID:AR-410 DATE:01/16/92 TITLE:ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16 (01/16/92) TEXT:*ARF410 01/16/92 ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16 (Real earnings) (190) AVERAGE WEEKLY EARNINGS AT LOWEST LEVEL SINCE 1958 WASHINGTON -- U.S. workers' inflation-adjusted average weekly earnings went down in 1991 for the fifth year in a row. Pre-tax earnings for private, nonfarm production and nonsupervisory workers averaged $256.00 (in 1982 dollars) a week in 1991, down 0.1 percent from 1990, the Department of Labor reported January 16. Real weekly earnings were at their lowest since 1958, when they were $250.27. The record for average real earnings was $315.44 in 1972, the year before the first oil embargo set off nearly a decade of high inflation. After reaching a more recent peak of $274.73 in 1984, real earnings have dropped every year except 1986. ANNUAL CHANGE IN REAL AVERAGE WEEKLY EARNINGS Percent, calculated in 1982 dollars, production or nonsupervisory workers on private nonfarm payrolls. 1981 -1.5 1986 0.3 1982 -1.2 1987 -1.0 1983 2.0 1988 -0.9 1984 0.8 1989 -1.0 1985 -1.3 1990 -1.7 1991 -0.1 NNNN .