
登录号码:260435文件id: epf205日期:12/29/92标题:亚洲犯罪集团威胁美国和世界(12/29/92)文本:*92122905。亚洲犯罪集团威胁美国和世界(文章,参议院报告,新闻发布)(590)美国新闻社工作人员作家华盛顿—有组织的亚洲犯罪集团对美国和国际社会构成严重威胁,参议院小组委员会12月29日发布的报告显示。该报告书是由常任调查委员会主席萨姆·纳恩(乔治亚州民主党)和常任调查委员会主席、特拉华州共和党人小威廉·罗斯(特拉华州共和党)共同发表的。这项题为“新的国际犯罪和亚洲有组织犯罪”的研究结束了对亚洲有组织犯罪长达15个月的调查。“我们的调查得出了一个不可避免的结论:无论是在美国还是在国际上,亚洲犯罪集团如今都是一个巨大的问题,”罗斯说。这些犯罪集团参与了各种各样的犯罪活动,包括贩毒、洗钱、贿赂、商业敲诈、偷渡外国人、入室抢劫、盗窃电脑芯片和伪造信用卡。”报告的结论是,“目前的执法反应是不充分的。”美国执法机构面临的问题包括缺乏外语专业知识,对亚洲文化和习俗的了解不足,以及在收集或分享犯罪情报方面的成功有限。报告呼吁加强国际执法合作。 According to Nunn, "not enough progress has been made in establishing formal cooperative relationships among those law enforcement bodies willing to address this problem." Roth noted that "Asian criminal groups personify a major new threat confronting law enforcement around the globe. These new international criminals, with the aid of modern technology, such as satellite telephones, pagers, and encrypted fax machines, easily communicate with their associates around the globe. Taking advantage of relaxed international travel restrictions as well as the greatly increased volume of international trade, these new international criminals treat national borders as nothing more than minor inconveniences to their own criminal enterprises." Among the international initiatives recommended by the report: -- Consideration should be given to expanding the anti-crime role and authority of the United Nations and Interpol, an international message exchange intermediary among police agencies. -- Expanded exchanges of law enforcement personnel should be encouraged. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) should consider increasing the number of law enforcement officers from foreign counties who attend the FBI's National Academy. -- The FBI and the Immigration and Naturalization Service should consider expanded roles for their personnel stationed in U.S. embassies in Southeast Asian countries. To avoid and resolve conflicts among the various agencies, the State Department must exercise more effective control. -- Those countries which effectively serve as sanctuaries for international criminals by their refusal to extradite such criminals or to prosecute those within their boundaries should be subject to international sanctions. -- Major efforts are necessary to improve law enforcement cooperation with Taiwan. Congress should amend the Taiwan Relations Act to allow the United States and Taiwan to enter an extradition agreement. -- "Anemic Japanese law enforcement efforts against Boryokudan gangs have had an adverse impact on the United States," according to the report. The executive branch should negotiate formal and informal agreements with Japan to improve law enforcement cooperation and intelligence sharing. In addition, the State Department should amend current visa regulations to make Boryokudan membership an independent basis for denying a visa. -- Negotiations should be completed as soon as possible to ensure law enforcement cooperation between the United States and Hong Kong after 1997. U.S. consular and immigration officials must increase efforts to prevent triad members from entering the United States. NNNN .