
登录号:243779文件id: pol104日期:09/21/92标题:国务院报告,星期一,9月21日(09/21/92)文本:*92092104。美国国务院没有定期举行新闻发布会,但是国务院新闻发言人约瑟夫·斯奈德向记者谈到了以下问题:斯奈德说,波斯尼亚塞族人“继续对波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那境内的萨拉热窝和其他城市进行破坏性的、毫无理由的炮击”。他指出,对萨拉热窝的炮击继续从联合国监测的地点和未申报的炮兵阵地进行。波斯尼亚各方同意集中他们的重型武器供联合国部队监视,但是斯奈德说,很明显波斯尼亚塞族并没有这样做。斯奈德说,美国飞机继续从肯尼亚蒙巴萨港运送人道主义援助物资到索马里和肯尼亚北部的难民营。他说,在过去的这个周末,有16架救援航班,运送了275吨援助物资。他说,自7月3日以来,美国军用飞机在索马里和肯尼亚执行了278次救援任务,运送了大约3500吨人道主义援助物资。他说,两架载有500人的巴基斯坦安全部队部分人员的美国飞机于9月21日抵达摩加迪沙。第三次航班也定于当天起飞。 The Pakistani soldiers will guard relief shipments entering the Somali port. DISCUSSIONS BEGIN ON DATE FOR NEXT MIDEAST TALKS ROUND Snyder said parties at the current round of bilateral Middle East peace talks in Washington have suggested the talks break off September 24. "We are consulting with the parties about the date for the next round," he said. NO COMMENTS ON REPORTED INDIAN CHEMICAL SALES TO SYRIA Snyder said the State Department would not comment on a New York Times report that the United States has protested to India over Indian sales to Middle East nations of chemicals needed to make poison gas. The September 21 article says U.S. intelligence discovered the shipment from India to Syria of a chemical that could be used for pesticides as well as an ingredient for nerve gas. The Times says American officials concluded that the shipment was intended for Syria's chemical weapons program. Later, a State Department official described the Times story as "pretty accurate." Snyder said the United States "strongly supports the chemical weapons convention and its goal of banning chemical weapons completely." When the convention comes into force, he noted, "it will ultimately ban the production, acquisition, stockpiling and the use of chemical weapons, and it will restrict and ultimately prohibit the sale of chemical weapon precursors." The United States will continue to cooperate with the Australian Group, formed to deal with exports of chemical weapon precursors, and "other like-minded countries to deal with problems that come along," he added. U.S. CONCERNED ABOUT REPORTED SUDANESE EXECUTION The United States believes that Andrew Tombe, a senior Sudanese AID (U.S. Agency for International Development) employee in the southern Sudan town of Juba, has been executed after being convicted of treason by a military tribunal, Snyder said. "We have conveyed to the Sudanese ambassador our grave concerns about this incident," he said. "Given the continuing allegations of human rights abuses in the Sudan, particularly in Juba, and the government's delay in responding to our repeated requests for information about Tombe, we are viewing this incident with the gravest concern," he emphasized. The United States is "strongly reiterating its request to the Sudanese 1overnment for permission for American staff to visit Juba and to investigate the events leading to Tombe's execution and to check on other Sudanese staff at our facility there," Snyder added. He said that Tombe was working for AID on its relief efforts for Sudan. "That was his job...and this required travel in the country," Snyder said. NNNN .