
中国-伊朗核合作(VOA社论)(420)(以下是美国之音9月17日播出的一篇社论,反映了美国政府的观点)中国和伊朗官员近日宣布,中国将帮助伊朗建设一座核电站。美国并不欢迎这一声明。一段时间以来,美国一直认为,与伊朗进行任何核合作,即使是出于和平目的,都是非常轻率的,应该避免。根据中国和伊朗的声明,计划中的核反应堆将接受国际原子能机构(International Atomic Energy Agency)的监督。但伊朗政权近年来的行为引发了严重的问题,即它是否能够履行其在核不扩散条约下的承诺。这种行为包括伊朗高级官员支持获得核武器能力的声明。正如美国中央情报局局长盖茨今年早些时候对国会议员所说的那样,伊朗一直在大举扩充军力。根据盖茨的说法,这种增强包括从俄罗斯和中国购买先进的战机和防空导弹,以及从朝鲜购买远程飞毛腿导弹。伊朗还被怀疑发展化学武器和生物战能力。 Iran, like Iraq, used chemical weapons in 1heir long war in the 1980s. The United States and other countries are particularly concerned about Iranian efforts to acquire or develop weapons of mass destruction because of the Iranian regime's record as a state sponsor of international terrorism. One of the most ruthless terrorist groups supported by Iran is Hizbollah. Hizbollah has been involved in numerous acts of terrorism against Americans and citizens of many other countries, both in the Middle East and in other parts of the world. Hizbollah is the leading suspect in the terrorist bombing of the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires earlier this year. The bombing claimed the lives of more than two dozen people. Because of Iran's support for Hizbollah and other terrorist groups, the United States has placed Iran on a list of countries which may not acquire U.S.-made weapons or other items that could be used in the development of chemical and biological weapons or ballistic missiles. The trade ban includes nuclear-related goods and technology. The United States urges other countries, including China, to adopt similar policies in regard to Iran and other state sponsors of terrorism. NNNN .