
Accession number:242957 file id: pol206 date:09/15/92 title: defense department report,星期二,September 15 (09/15/92) text:*92091506。(610)新闻发布会——副发言人鲍勃·霍尔讨论了以下话题:一架美国CH-53救援直升机在波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那上空被地面火力击中。美国CH-53救援直升机9月3日在波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那上空执行搜救任务,其中一架直升机在试图找到一架意大利救援飞机的残骸时被地面火力击中。他说,当飞行员看到地面开火时,他们回到了海岸外的船上。他说,对直升机的初步检查是在夜间进行的,没有显示出任何问题,但9月7日的后来评估“显示直升机尾桨上有一个洞”,是5.56毫米小型武器的子弹造成的。霍尔还说,从9月11日开始,美国飞机开始使用一条新的航线,从德国飞往克罗地亚的斯普利特,再飞往萨格勒布,返回斯普利特,然后再返回法兰克福。意大利救援飞机被击落后,飞往萨拉热窝的航班暂停。他说,自从斯普利特任务开始以来,已经空运了94.3吨援助物资。霍尔说,美国空军于9月14日向索马里首都摩加迪沙运送了首批40名巴基斯坦士兵及其装备,其余60名先遣部队于9月15日从伊斯兰堡经吉布提空运到索马里。他说,最终,参加联合国在索马里安全行动的巴基斯坦人数预计将上升到500人。 The spokesman said U.S. humanitarian flights into Oddur, Somalia, began September 12; four flights carrying 33.67 metric tons have been made. Flights of food also continue to Baidoa and Belet Weyne, he said. To date, he said, the United States has delivered 1,191.51 metric tons to all three Somali locations aboard 119 flights and 1,743.7 metric tons to Kenya on 104 flights. U.S. COMMITTED TO ISRAEL'S "DEFENSIVE EDGE" Hall told questioners the United States remains committed to maintaining Israel's "qualitative edge and their defense capabilities." The question was raised in the wake of the Defense Department's September 15 notification to Congress of a plan to sell 72 F-15XP aircraft to Saudi Arabia. The $9,000 million package also includes 900 Maverick AIM-9S and 300 AIM-7M air-to-air missiles, 600 CBU-87 (cluster) bombs and 700 GBU-10/12 (general purpose) bombs, as well as spare and repair parts, support equipment, technical documentation and logistics services. Hall said a U.S.-Israeli defense dialogue has been going on "for a long time" and predates President Bush's decision to sell the F-15s to Saudi Arabia. Maintaining Israel's qualitative defense edge, he said, is "an ongoing process." The spokesman said military experts assessed Saudi defense needs and equipment requirements, but the Defense Department would not have made the sale if it had been perceived as "a threat to Israel." MORE DOCUMENTS ON POW/MIAS RELEASED TO PUBLIC The Defense Department has released another 4,700 pages of documents relating to American prisoners of war and those missing in action from the Vietnam War, Hall said. He said the latest batch -- drawn from the archives of U.S. intelligence agencies from 1966-92 --includes memos and official correspondence. With this fourth release of documents, the spokesman said the number of pages available for viewing by the public now totals 8,700. NNNN .