
登录号:233787文件编号:ep-406日期:07/02/92标题:参议院pow / mia委员会一致投票解密文件(07/02/92)文本:*92070206。EPF * EPF406 07/02/92 *参议院战俘/米娅委员会投票一致来公布论文(文章参议院委员会会议,7月2日)(690年)由简答:莫尔斯美国新闻署特约撰稿人从华盛顿报道,参议院战俘/米娅事务特别委员会7月2日一致通过一项决议,要求总统公布和公开发布有关战俘和失踪人员的文件。决议要求总统“迅速发布行政命令,要求所有行政部门和机构在不损害美国国家安全的情况下,解密并公开与战俘和失踪人员有关的所有文件、文件和其他材料。”解密将从目前委员会掌握的文件开始,但也将包括一长串政府机构掌握的文件。委员会主席约翰·f·克里(马萨诸塞州民主党人)解释说,“我们寻求的行政命令将导致委员会目前掌握的材料以及基辛格和尼克松的文件....迅速解密——我们的意思是几周,而不是几个月。克里说:“我们采取这一行动,是因为20多年来的过度保密严重损害了解决我们失踪军人问题的努力,并在很大程度上造成了公众的困惑和不信任。”克里说:“我们的兴趣不限于国防部或国防情报局的文件或传统的‘战俘失踪案档案’。”“它们只是故事的一部分。我们要求行政部门提供文件,包括现任总统和前任总统的文件。” The current list of documents the Committee requests be declassified includes: the papers of Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush, and of former NSC Advisor and later Secretary of State Henry Kissinger; live sighting and hearsay reports; casualty files; DIA historical files; current DIA POW/MIA policy files; last known alive/in captivity files; DIA intelligence files; files of former Defense Secretaries Clements, Weinberger, and Carlucci; files of former Deputy Defense Secretary Clements and Assistant Defense Secretary Armitage; National Security Agency product reports; service intelligence files; Joint Chiefs of Staff documents; Central Intelligence Agency documents; all related imagery collected by National Technical Means; National Security Council documents; related State Department telegrams, and the files of Frank Sieverts, formerly the special assistant for POW/MIA matters to the secretary of state during the 1973 Operation Homecoming. Kerry said the Commitee would request declassification and public release of other relevant documents as they come to the Committee's attention. In their letter to the president, which was hand delivered July 2, the Committee asks that already-redacted documents now in the possession of the Committee be declassified and released in time for the Committee's hearings which are tentatively set for August 4-5. Additionally, the Committee requests the Nixon and Kissinger papers be declassified no later than 1ugust 13. The Committee also unanimously approved the Robb-Grassley Motion, which calls for the Committee Chairman "immediately upon the reconvening of the Senate after the July recess to call a meeting of the Committee on July 23 to evaluate progress and consider initiating alternative formal declassification means, if necessary." "Our Committee is scheduled to expire at the end of this year," Vice Chairman Bob Smith pointed out. "Because we are sunsetted, every week, and indeed every day, is precious, and we must keep this in mind." Senator John McCain (Republican of Arizona), who himself was a POW in Hanoi for eight years (1965-1973), devoted a large portion of his remarks to defending Senator Kerry against allegations that Kerry destroyed some documents that were part of the committee's deliberations. McCain also decried those "deranged" individuals who "have convinced themselves that there is a massive conspiracy to prevent the return of our POWs. "We do not have a shred of evidence of a conspiracy," McCain said. Such allegations, he said, "libel hundreds, if not thousands of uniformed members of our armed services, whose complicity would be necessary to effect this." Senator McCain's father, Admiral John McCain, Sr. was CINCPAC in Honolulu at the time then-Navy Lieutenant Commander McCain was shot down over North Vietnam and taken prisoner in 1965. NNNN .