
登录号:233039 FILE ID:AR-521 DATE:06/26/92 TITLE:(Spanish coming) (06/26/92) TEXT:*92062621。ARF * ARF521 06/26/92 *(西班牙)厄瓜多尔萧条卡特尔,小伙子所谓顶级毒贩逮捕雷耶斯托雷斯(6/18)nrb诺玛Romano-Benner美国新闻署(620)的特约撰稿人从华盛顿报道,豪尔赫·雨果雷耶斯托雷斯——据称厄瓜多尔主要narcotrafficker——69年他的同事现在在狱中因操作旋风,这是这个安第斯国家有史以来最大规模的警察行动。这70人目前被关押在基多不同监狱的“预防监狱”中,等待进一步调查。这位发言人说,雷耶斯·托雷斯(Reyes Torres) 6月19日在基多家中被捕,他被控暴力虐待和强奸一名家政人员。据信,托雷斯策划了厄瓜多尔一个可卡因走私组织的成立。据称,雷耶斯·托雷斯(Reyes Torres)是哥伦比亚卡利(Cali)贩毒集团的重要联络人,他在奎宁德(Quininde)的El Timbre庄园包装可卡因的技术受到了他们的重视。警方发言人说,气旋行动是对雷耶斯托雷斯组织进行了三年调查的结果。发言人说,这进一步证实了他们的怀疑;然而,“很难找到确凿的证据,因为这个人真的很狡猾。”在雷耶斯·托雷斯家政人员的丈夫提出指控后,警方终于介入。 The woman's husband, police said, accused Reyes Torres of violently raping his wife. Five hundred members of the police surrounded Reyes Torres' home in Quito and captured him and about 40 members of his organization. Inside Reyes Torres' home, the spokesman said, police discovered a cache of "the most sophisticated weapons and radio equipment -- comparable only to communications equipment used by Ecuador's security personnel." Reyes Torres was also charged with possession of illegal weapons and illegally operating radio equipment. "The weapons were very sophisticated and modern, and only the armed forces of Ecuador can operate something like that," the spokesman said. Reyes Torres was using radio frequencies "only used by the military, the air force, the navy, and the security forces of Ecuador." Also arrested were Mauricio Javier Hernandez, a Quito lawyer; the alleged chief financier for the Reyes Torres organization, Mirella Santacruz Delgado; and Victor Rodrigo Berru, president of Executive Air Transport (TAE), whose air fleet allegedly transported cocaine shipments from Colombia to Mexico and the United States. In the subsequent three days police arrested an additional 30 people, charging them with working for the Reyes cartel. Among them were two men, a police spokesman said, found burning about 100 kilograms of cocaine in Zambiza, a town near Quito. Police said the two confessed they worked for Reyes Torres. After police gained access to Reyes Torres' home, the police "found large amounts of the most sophisticated kinds of weapons," the spokesman said. He could not specify the origins of the cache. Police said they confiscated the arms as well as boxes of documents and computerized information, which are now being analyzed. The spokesman said police have also seized homes belonging to the Reyes Torres family in Quito, Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Loja, and Guayaquil. The estimated value of the real estate property, he said is "well over $1,000 million." Police also seized 30 vehicles and froze bank accounts in 40 different Ecuadorean banking institutions. The spokesman said Ecuadorean authorities are also working to seize overseas bank accounts belonging to the cartel and members of the Reyes Torres family. With the arrests, the spokesman said, "We concluded the biggest operation in the history of our institution after three years of intelligence police work at the national and international levels." NNNN 1 .