
登录号:281634文件ID:AEF101日期:05/03/93标题:坦桑尼亚的一所学校导致美国非洲邮政(05/03/93)文本:*93050301。星期二时子:麋鹿有限公司:主持/生物/政策,# JFT (FR) rlc HRsp * AEF101 05/03/93 *校舍在非洲坦桑尼亚导致美国高级职位(FR)(助理国务卿驼鹿宣誓就职)(610)吉姆·Fisher-Thompson美国新闻署特约撰稿人华盛顿——大使乔治驼鹿、职业外交官总统比尔·克林顿任命了负责非洲事务的助理国务卿,已经从在坦桑尼亚建立桥梁的修建学校了解到非洲,副国务卿克利福德·沃顿表示。4月27日,在华丽的本杰明·富兰克林厅举行的穆斯宣誓仪式上,沃顿讲述了这位48岁的外交官接替助理国务卿赫尔曼·科恩开始对外交工作感兴趣的过程。沃顿解释说,“乔治很早就对外交服务产生了兴趣”,“我们可以把他进入公共服务领域归功于他在坦桑尼亚的一所三间教室的校舍。”1965年,年轻的大学学生乔治在那里度过了一个暑假,帮助建造了这座校舍。沃顿说:“这就成功了。”“乔治迷上了国外的工作”,两年后他加入了外交使团。如今,在担任过美国驻贝宁和塞内加尔大使之后,他将常驻阿辛顿,在美国和非洲大陆之间建立“理解的桥梁”。“乔治在非洲的丰富经验、知识和兴趣,”沃顿补充说,“将丰富(非洲)局、我们与非洲政府的关系,以及非洲人和美国人的生活。”沃顿转向穆斯,他的妻子和母亲陪伴着他,他说:“我非常感谢坦桑尼亚人民把你带到外交服务的职业生涯中。” Surrounded by his family, friends, and colleagues, Moose then took the oath of office, pledging to defend the Constitution as all U.S. civil servants, including the president, must swear to do. His hand was on the Bible, held by his wife Judith. The dean of the Washington diplomatic corps, Cameroonian Ambassador Paul Pondi, was in attendance, as well as a number of other African ambassadors. Also in the audience were students and faculty from Washington's mainly black Cardozo High School who are a part of the model United Nations program, sponsored by the State Department. Secretary Moose and his wife help run this program. In an earlier interview with the U.S. Information Agency, the secretary noted that his rise in the foreign service was "a dream come true" made possible by his family and a score of individuals who befriended him and provided support to his career. He gave special credit to his mother, Ellen Moose, for inculcating in him and in his sister, a physician, the spirit of public service. Moose, who was formerly deputy director of the State Department's Office of Southern African Affairs and an African affairs analyst in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, said he felt a sense of awe "when confronting the challenges facing the continent of Africa." He said he understood full well that Africa is facing a "reality of peoples who despite great difficulties struggle with hope to build lives of well-being and dignity. "Given our own country's special historical connection to Africa, the unique ways Africa has influenced our culture," he continued, "I think we as Americans are especially well placed to feel and understand" what can be done to assist in the continents's move toward democratization and economic prosperity. Efforts "to construct a society in which it is possible for anyone, regardless of race, religion, and national origin, to fulfill the full measure of his or her potential," Secretary Moose said, are the "vision of America" and the example which will guide his actions toward the continent. NNNN .