
登录号:281557文件id: pol110日期:05/03/93标题:塞尔维亚必须用行动来支持文字,奥尔布赖特说(05/03/93)文本:*93050310。奥尔布莱特:塞尔维亚必须言出必信奥尔布莱特:言出必信奥尔布莱特:言出必信奥尔布莱特:言出必信奥尔布莱特:言出必信奥尔布莱特:言出必信奥尔布莱特:言出必信奥尔布莱特:言出必信奥尔布莱特:美国常驻联合国代表。奥尔布赖特5月3日在国会听证会上说,克林顿总统“非常清楚地表示,要让世界相信贝尔格莱德的和平承诺,我们还有很长的路要走”。“我们正在寻找行动....签名是不够的。”奥尔布赖特在众议院外交事务委员会两个小组委员会作证时说,为了执行和平条约,塞尔维亚人必须遵守停火协议,停止对波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那各城市的炮击,并允许人道主义车队自由进入。回忆过去塞族领导人已经“做一件事,别的说,“奥尔布莱特说,克林顿政府现在正在“非常刻意努力想出一个行动计划“如果和平不是取得了在波斯尼亚。1在听证会作证称考虑在冷战后集体安全的概念她说,美国正在寻求重新定义冷战结束后美国自身安全的意义。“如果说上一个时代是遏制的时代,”她说,“那么新的时代就是接触的时代。”她在事先准备好的讲话中说,集体安全不是抽象概念。 "The security threat to America," she explained, is "a threat that only collective security can ultimately manage." She pointed to the current dangers in a world "where weapons of mass destruction proliferate and ethnic and regional conflicts trigger massive refugee flows" and where there are also threats posed by "enormous economic dislocations, unacceptable human rights atrocities, and environmental catastrophes." "Unless we...create the institutions and resources necessary to share the burden of restoring international order," she said, "the United States will stand exposed to an endless raid on its resources, its goodwill, its soldiers,and, finally, its territorial integrity or the territorial integrity of its allies." Members of the United Nations "need to establish a much sounder basis for financing and budgeting peacekeeping operations" she said, if the world organization is to succeed in protecting collective security. Praising U.N. actions in Bosnia, Albright cited U.N. authorization of humanitarian airdrops, a no-fly zone and economic sanctions in response to Serbian aggression. Commenting on changes needed in the United Nations, she said that in order to function as an efficient world peacekeeper, the world organization needs to develop an "operations center" and an "intelligence capability" as well as a "better sense of budgeting" in order to pay for its own military operations. NNNN .