
登录号:275581文件编号:pol501日期:04/02/93标题:冷静,法律回应,回应恐怖主义(04/02/93)文本:*93040201。1ashington——前中央情报局局长William Colby表示,历史表明,当政府保持冷静并在现有法律框架内采取行动时,就能最有效地打击恐怖主义。参与国家媒体基金会恐怖主义”的“新趋势论坛3月31日科尔比补充说,尽管在纽约的世界贸易中心爆炸和枪击CIA(中央情报局)总部设在弗吉尼亚州迹象显示美国可能面临一种新的恐怖威胁,“这与我们过去遇到的问题没有太大不同。冷静的手和头脑将使我们能够继续与这个问题作斗争。”科尔比提到的反恐行动包括意大利政府打击红色旅组织和美国打击空中海盗。他强调,这两家公司都取得了成功,因为“他们是通过法律做到的。”他说,相比之下,那些用自己的恐怖活动打击暴力叛乱的国家通常没有那么成功,很难恢复正常。联邦调查局(FBI)的道格拉斯·高也在论坛上指出,恐怖主义的总体威胁最近已经消退,这主要是由于情报和有效执法使封锁成为可能。他援引美国国务院的统计数据显示,全球恐怖主义事件从1987年的约800起下降到1992年的300多起。 Terrorist attacks in the United States dropped from 51 in 1982 to four in 1992, he said, citing FBI figures. Gow stressed that this drop in domestic terrorist attacks occurred during a period in which Americans were increasingly identified as the favored target of terrorist groups. So, despite the alarm generated by the World Trade Center incident, "this is not a time for people to panic, but to have faith in law enforcement," he contended. At the same time, Gow and the other panelists agreed that the U.S. government should strengthen some of the weaker aspects of its anti-terrorism policy. The area mentioned most often was immigration, and the need to tighten -- and enforce -- visa restrictions. Bruce Hoffman of the RAND Corporation noted that the United States receives about 25 million visitors annually, about 500,000 of whom remain in the country after their visas have expired. He suggested that the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) be given more money to pay for inspectors, and to deal more effectively with the "Herculean task" of tracking down illegal aliens. The panel also suggested improved coordination among various U.S. agencies, and better intelligence-sharing at the international level. Senator Larry Pressler, who has recommended legislation to promote these goals, recommended that the United States allow capital punishment for convicted terrorists who kill Americans. Hoffman countered that the death penalty "never works" as a deterrent to violence, and that some terrorists might actually welcome the chance to become martyrs at the hands of the U.S. government. All of the panelists agreed that any changes in U.S. laws or policies must be made carefully. "The problem," said Gow, "is how to balance security needs against the kind of society we have." Colby and others pointed out that open societies like the United States will always be somewhat limited in what they can do to counter terrorists. Colby also said efforts to foster international cooperation are complicated by conflicting perceptions and goals -- even among friendly states. 1everal U.S. allies recently voted to extend new IMF (International Monetary Fund) loans to Iran, even though Washington believes Tehran is abetting terrorism. "I find that fairly outrageous, and I think our good allies ought to be told that we think that," Colby said. NNNN .