
登录号:263518文件ID:AEF209日期:01/19/93标题:驼鹿被命名为在国务院(01/19/93)的成功Cohen(01/19/93)文本:* 93011909.AEF子:转换CO:MOOSE NOM./STATE DEPT。,#cc(fr)rlc * alef209 01/19/93 *驼鹿被命名为在国务院(fr)(fr)(克林顿)(克林顿选择前大使)(230)的驼鹿由查尔斯W. Corey Usia职员作家华盛顿 - 大使乔治爱德华驼鹿has been nominated as the new U.S. assistant secretary of state for African affairs, President-elect Bill Clinton's transition office announced January 19. If confirmed by the Senate, Moose will succeed Herman J. Cohen, who, like Moose, had been ambassador to Senegal. Currently, Moose is deputy director of the transition team at the State Department, and before that he was diplomat-in-residence at Howard University in Washington. 1mbassador Moose served in Senegal 1988-1991 and from 1983 to 1986 was ambassador to Benin. He is a career diplomat and in addition to his ambassadorships in Africa he served as deputy director of the State Department's Office of Southern African Affairs (1978-1979). Other assignments during his career include special assistant in the Office of the Under Secretary for Political Affairs 1977-1978, analyst for the Office of African Affairs in the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research 1974-1976, and political officer at the embassy in Bridgetown, Barbados 1972-1974. Moose was born June 23, 1944, in New York. He graduated from Grinnell College in Iowa with a bachelor of arts degree in 1966 and entered the diplomatic service in 1967. NNNN .