
利比亚和泛美爆炸事件(VOA社论)(以下是美国之音12月21日播出的一篇社论,反映了美国政府的观点)。1988年12月21日。一架拥挤的商业喷气机从伦敦希思罗机场飞往美国。泛美航空103号航班的259名乘客中有来自30个国家的男女和儿童。许多人是美国公民,渴望在节日期间与亲人团聚。35分钟后,所有人都死了。晚上7点刚过,一枚强大的炸弹在苏格兰安静的洛克比村31000英尺的上空将飞机炸成了碎片。一些乘客和机组人员当场死亡。其他乘客被绑在座位上,在长达3分钟的时间里可怕地摔了下来。地面上有11人因房屋、企业和城市街道上燃烧的残骸和碎片而死亡。 The perpetrators of this cowardly and barbaric act of international terrorism were agents of the regime of Libyan dictator Muammar Qadhafi. Authorities in the United States and Britain uncovered evidence linking Abd al-Basit al-Maqrahi, a senior Libyan intelligence officer, and Lamin Fhimah, former manager of the Libyan airlines office in Malta, to the suitcase bomb used to destroy Pan Am flight 103. The United States and Britain issued warrants for the arrest of these Libyan agents in November 1991. Libyan agents are also being sought by French authorities in connection with the bombing of UTA flight 772 in 1989 -- a bombing that took the lives of 171 people. Outraged at the Qadhafi regime's wanton disregard of international law and the norms of civilized conduct, the U.N. Security Council imposed sanctions on Libya on two occasions, most recently in Resolution 883. Adopted last month, this resolution includes a freeze on certain Libyan financial assets, a ban on the export of certain types of petroleum technology to Libya, the closing of all Libyan Arab airlines offices, and an end to all commercial dealings with that airline. On the fifth anniversary of the Pan Am bombing, the United States reaffirms its pledge to bring Libyan terrorists to justice. The United States will continue to support sanctions against Libya until the Qadhafi regime cooperates fully with the investigations of the Pan Am and UTA bombings, hands over the accused terrorists for trial, pays compensation for the terrorist attacks, and renounces international terrorism. As Madeleine Albright, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said, "strengthened sanctions cannot bring back lost lives. But pressure to enforce Libya's compliance with the demands of the international community...can ensure that our citizens will not fall victim to future acts of state-sponsored terrorism." NNNN 1 .