
登录号:317577文件id: pol407日期:12/16/93标题:国会报告,星期四,12月16日(12/16/93)文本:*93121607。美国国会领袖称赞英曼出任国防部部长12月16日,克林顿总统提名鲍比。英曼接替莱斯。阿斯平担任国防部长,受到两党国会领袖的赞扬。美国参议院军事委员会主席萨姆·纳恩在国会举行的新闻发布会上说,英曼是一名退休的四星海军上将,完全有资格担任这一职务。他指出,这位候任国务卿曾担任美国国家安全局(National Security Agency)局长,并曾担任中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency)副局长。纳恩说,国会1月25日复会后,他将开始就英曼的提名举行听证会。纳恩确信国防部的预算削减得太快了。他说:“它不可能在不造成严重预算问题的情况下,以某些人希望的速度消耗殆尽。”当被问及为国防部的职位选择一名前军官是否可能是个问题时,纳恩说,英曼的情况不是这样,因为根据法律要求,他已经从军队退休至少10年了,而且他一直在私营企业工作。参议院军事委员会的资深共和党人约翰·华纳宣称英曼是“绝对的最佳人选”。他说,他的技能比阿斯平“更广泛”,并指出英曼曾在行政部门工作,有军事经验,并与国会有广泛的接触。 But his most important quality, Warner said, is that he will have "the absolute credibility of the men and women of the armed services, since he came up through their system." Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole, who said he was disappointed by Aspin's resignation, nonetheless acknowledged that "Bobby Inman is a very good person for the job." Dole also said that the Clinton administration is trying to take too much money, too quickly out of the defense budget. The administration has asked the department to shave another $50,000 million dollars from its budget, which Dole said is "going too far." "I hope we have another bottom up review," of the military budget, Dole said, pointing out that a lot of things have changed in the world since Congress went out of session three weeks ago -- namely, the North Korea military threat and the worrisome elections in Russia. Lee Hamilton, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said Inman is "an excellent choice, very popular on Capitol Hill." NNNN .