
Accession number:313469 file id: pol502 date:11/19/93 title: congressional report, friday, November 19(11/19/93)文本:*93111902。一些参议员抨击哈尔佩林的提名11月19日,参议院军事委员会的一些成员严厉批评克林顿总统提名莫尔顿。哈尔佩林为负责民主与维和事务的国防部助理部长。声称提名人的一些观点不符合美国国家安全的利益。在听证会上,哈尔佩林强调,“武力仍将是国际争端的最终仲裁者”,同时警告说,“我们必须确保武力可以解决(危险的)问题。”他说:“我们必须为打这样的战争配备兵力和装备。”不过,他解释说,他的任务将是“防止将我们的军队视为后冷战时代所有问题和危机的解决方案的倾向。”不是委员会成员的参议员大卫·伯伦出席了听证会,表达了对哈尔佩林的强烈支持。他说,哈尔佩林的动机是致力于“人权和个人自由”。另外两名民主党参议员丹尼尔·莫伊尼汉和约瑟夫·拜登也表示支持哈尔佩林的提名。但是,委员会的共和党成员批评了哈尔佩林过去的著作,指责他助长了不利于他成为国家安全的好保管人的观点。参议员约翰·麦凯恩引用了哈尔佩林的著作,包括前苏联在与非洲国家的关系中从未违反国际法,秘密情报行动总是非法和反民主的,国际社会应该决定美国是否能够保护盟友。 Senator Strom Thurmond accused the Clinton administration of failing to provide proper and complete answers to Senate questions about Halperin. "In the case of Mr. Halperin there is a compelling prima facie case that he is unsuited for any position in the Pentagon," Thurmond declared. "I have deep concerns about his positions on security policy," said Thurmond. "Some of the recommendations he has given to the secretary of defense" while employed at the Pentagon "are dangerous to the nation's interests and to the lives of American servicemen and women." Halperin's statements during the Cold War "suggest that the U.S. government, not the Soviet empire, was the enemy of peace and freedom," said Thurmond. The committee is expected to vote on the Halperin nomination next week. NNNN .