
登录号:309846文件id: pol407日期:10/28/93标题:美国。军方制定新的禁毒战略(1993年10月28日)美国军方制定新的反毒品战略(支持克林顿政府新的临时禁毒政策)布鲁斯·凯里美国国际开发署安全事务记者华盛顿——国防部助理部长布莱恩·谢里丹表示,美国军方正在启动一项五点战略,以支持克林顿政府的临时禁毒政策美国国家药物控制政策办公室主任李·布朗上周宣布了这一消息。布朗在10月20日的参议院听证会上说,新的国际战略将把重点放在毒品来源国,并强调执法、封锁、替代发展和"打击毒品贩运基础设施的其他项目"的重要性。谢里丹10月28日说,五角大楼的支持战略的五个要素是:来源国家支持项目,协助执法部门瓦解可卡因卡特尔,使用禁令阻止毒品通过海空进入美国,更好地巡逻墨西哥边境以阻止毒品通过陆路渗透,以及教育和外联项目以减少非法毒品需求。“第一个(战略要素)是我们的来源国支持计划,”他说。“我们提供训练、通信系统、地基雷达和规划支持。临时策略……calls for enhanced support to the source nations." "The second major thrust of our program are our efforts to help law enforcement, and particularly the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), as they attempt to dismantle the cocaine trafficking cartels. Our contribution amounts largely to intelligence collection and analysis. The goal in all cases is arrests and prosecutions," said the assistant secretary. "Some of those take place in the United States and some of them take place overseas as we attempt to help those nations that have shown the political will to combat this problem." "The third aspect of our program revolves around our activity in the transit zone, our detection and monitoring mission. There you're looking at the use of radars, AWACS and ships. The principal target, of course, has been private commercial aircraft carrying cocaine toward the United States. We will continue to do some detection monitoring of the transit zone, but in accordance with the interim national strategy, we will begin to shift and do less of that," he said. "The fourth major strategic our support to the southwest border states," said Sheridan. "Approximately 70 percent of the cocaine entering the United States comes across the southwest border. There, we're talking about...border detection and monitoring. "The last our demand reduction program. In the past, this has largely consisted of drug testing and then prevention and education within DOD (Department of Defense). We have begun funding pilot outreach programs, where we can take some of the unique resources and talents of the Department of Defense and help to reach out to troubled youths, especially those in the inner city, as requested by Congress, and see if we can make a contribution in that area." All military anti-drug efforts will be coordinated with civilian law 1nforcement under the direction of Brown. "DOD plays a support role in the counter-drug effort," Sheridan stressed. "Additionally, all international activities will be coordinated with and in support of the Department of State and the relevant host nations that we are supporting," he said. "DOD will continue to provide support" to law enforcement agencies, "but will not directly assist in seizures and arrests. Internationally, DOD will not accompany host nation forces on actual operations, and that just represents a continuation of past policy," he told reporters. Sheridan made clear that the counter-drug problem is a long-term effort, requiring "a multifaceted approach. Both supply-side and demand-side programs are required. "Progress will be made incrementally, is not a war on drugs, but rather a long-term and very difficult struggle. And I think to label it a war kind of implies that with some concerted effort this problem can be...quickly dealt with, and that's simply not the case," he said. NNNN .