
登录号:308804文件id: pol505日期:10/22/93标题:白宫报告,星期五,10月22日(10/22/93)文本:*93102205。10月22日星期五,白宫报告(阿里斯蒂德、北美自由贸易协定、安哥拉特使、费拉罗任命)新闻发布会——新闻秘书迪·迪·迈尔斯讨论了以下议题:当被问及中央情报局向参议院成员通报海地总统让·贝特朗·阿里斯蒂德的健康状况时,迈尔斯极力为他的任职资格进行辩护;但她表示,她不能对中央情报局的一份机密评估发表任何评论。当被问及简报是否令人尴尬时,她回答说,“当一名美国参议员要求中情局简报时,我们会照办。”就是这么简单。”根据新闻报道,在参议员杰西·赫尔姆斯(Jesse Helms)的要求下,这个简报暗示阿里斯蒂德有精神问题,并指控他纵容谋杀以压制反对派。这些报道称,这些信息是两年前由中情局首次传播的。迈尔斯说,克林顿知道这份两年的报告,并补充说,“在我们与阿里斯蒂德总统的交往中,他一直是理性和负责任的。他把人民的利益放在心上。 He's lived up to the commitments that he's made. And I would remind you that he is the duly-elected leader of that country, the democratically-elected leader. 1nd so it is our judgment, based on our experience with him, that he is fully qualified to serve as the president of Haiti." Myers added that when Aristide was functioning as president, "human rights abuses were down, transition to democracy was moving in the right direction...I think all of the reliable studies show that there was a marked improvement in the way people were treated." NAFTA PROSPECTS IMPROVE She told a questioner Clinton "seems to feel a little better" about passage of enabling legislation for the North American Free Trade Agreement. She called expressions of support for the pact from Republican leaders Bob Michel and Newt Gingrich, following their meeting with Clinton, "excellent." Asked about the possibility that Canada might elect a prime minister anxious to re-negotiate the agreement, Myers said, "It's always been our position that we would press ahead with NAFTA because we believe it's in the best interests of this country. We will await the results on Monday's election and...go from there." Myers predicted Clinton will be "more aggressive" in pressing the agreement in the three weeks before the matter comes to a vote, sometime in November. ENVOY SELECTED Asserting that "a lasting peace in Angola will require the sustained commitment of all Angolans and the support of the entire international community," the White House has named Paul J. Hare as Clinton's representative to the Angolan peace process. Myers said in a written statement that Hare brings to his new task "a wealth of experience gained in more than 30 years as an American diplomat... We believe," she added, "that there is a new opportunity to end the suffering of the Angolan people." She noted that although a total cease-fire is not yet in place, the level of the violence has diminished somewhat, and flights with relief supplies have reached some towns in the interior for the first time in eight months. OTHER DEVELOPMENTS FERRARO NOMINATED TO UNHRC President Clinton announced his intention October 22 to appoint former Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro to be the U.S. Representative to the United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC), with the rank of ambassador. "As alternate head of the U.S. delegation to this year's session of the UNHRC, she spoke eloquently on behalf of women in the former Yugoslavia, and brought all of the parties involved to a consensus position," Clinton said. Ferraro was first elected to Congress from New York's 9th Congressional District in 1978, and served three terms in the House before leaving after her 1984 vice presidential campaign, in which she was the first woman ever to be nominated for national office by a major party. Ferraro is currently managing partner in the new York office of Keck, Mahin and Cate, a national law firm. NNNN .