
克林顿指责莫斯科暴力归咎于鲁茨科伊部队(10月04日93日)华盛顿——克林顿总统将莫斯科的暴力事件归咎于支持俄罗斯前副总统亚历山大·鲁茨科伊的军队。10月3日发表的讲话中,在效忠俄罗斯总统叶利钦的军队袭击了议会大厦,克林顿说他继续支持叶利钦和警告“摇摆不定”或“给予任何鼓励人显然想要破坏选举过程和(世卫组织)不是在俄罗斯致力于改革。”克林顿在离开白宫前往加州进行为期三天的访问时发表了上述讲话。克林顿:女士们、先生们,我已经就我们所知道的俄罗斯的情况听取了相当详尽的简报,我想就此发表几点看法。首先,很明显暴力事件是由Rutskoi-Khasbulatov部队犯下的,莫斯科今天发生了严重的暴力事件。同样明显的是,叶利钦总统从一开始就竭力避免使用武力,避免过度使用武力。我仍然相信,美国必须支持叶利钦总统和实现自由和公正选举的进程。我们不能在这个时候处于摇摆不定的境地,不能后退,也不能鼓励那些显然想要破坏选举进程、不致力于俄罗斯改革的人。所以我们每时每刻都在跟踪事件。正如你所知,我们在那里有电视报道,所以你对它也很了解。 But that is the most I know now and that is our position. QUESTION: Do you think that Yeltsin can survive Mr. President and will you cut off aid if he is deposed? 1NSWER: Well, I don't expect him to be deposed. I wouldn't overreact to this, now. I think the people clearly stand far more supportive of him than the Rutskoi-Khasbulatov and they seem, they don't have any organized military support that we're aware of. So we'll just have to wait for developments, but I have no reason to believe that he would be deposed. Q: Mr. President, have you spoken to President Yeltsin? A: No. I'm sure he's got more important things to do right now than to talk to me and I don't think the United States should be involved in the moment to moment management of this crisis, but I do want him to know of my continued support and the support of the United States. Q: What can the U.S. government do right now? A: Well first of all, we can get as much intelligence as quickly an possible about what's going on and we can do our best to look after the safety of the Americans who are there and the security of the embassy, which has received some attention from our folks, and so far the reports on that are good. Q: Do you have any plans to cancel your trip or postpone your trip in any way? A: No. (end transcript) NNNN .