
登录号:303942文件编号:pol502日期:09/17/93标题:国务院报告,星期五,9月17日(09/17/93)文本:*93091702。美国国务院报告,9月17日,星期五1中国,朝鲜,海地)(600)新闻简报-发言人麦柯里讨论了以下议题:麦柯里表示,美国一直在试图劝阻中国不要进行地下核试验,并指出,“我们将对中国或任何其他国家的核武器试验表示严重关切。”他说,自7月底以来,美国高级官员一直就美国的关切与中国官员进行接触,最近几周,许多国家也直接与中国讨论了这一问题。《华盛顿邮报》17日报道说,美国情报部门已经得出结论,中国即将进行近一年来的首次地下核试验。麦柯里强调,如果其他国家遵守像克林顿总统宣布的那样的暂停试验,全面禁止核试验的谈判环境将会更强大。他指出:“在1996年之前谈判达成一项全面禁止核试验条约仍然是美国政府的重要目标,这也是美国国会的指示。”“一旦一个国家进行了检测,其他国家就很难继续不进行检测,”这位发言人继续说。如果中国确实进行了地下核试验,麦柯里不会猜测美国的反应。但他指出,美国在几个领域对中国感到关切,并表示,美国希望“我们能够成功解决我们在人权、扩散等问题上的关切”。金博宝正规网址 He reminded questioners that the United States has not taken a position on the Chinese bid to host the summer Olympics in the year 2000. He did not know if nuclear testing would be a factor in the International Olympic Committee's consideration of China. NO RESUMPTION YET OF U.S.-NORTH KOREAN TALKS Questioned as to when the United States might resume direct talks with North Korea on nuclear non-proliferation matters, McCurry noted that "the United States had discussed with North Korea the specific conditions that would be necessary for resuming a third round of high-level talks." He added that "those conditions have not been met; therefore, there has been no scheduling of a third round of talks." Later a State Department official told reporters that Robert Gallucci, assistant secretary of state for politico-military affairs, had informed North Korean officials by letter of the U.S. position concerning a third round of talks. The North Korean response, received this week, was "negative," he said, but left open the possibility of some discussion of issues. U.S. CONCERNED AT HAITIAN VIOLENCE McCurry told journalists that "the situation in Haiti is of very great concern to the United States" and the administration is "troubled by the reports of continuing violence." He urged all factions to implement the recent Governor's Island accord for Haiti "rapidly" and added, "It's clear that an international presence and training for the establishment of a police (force) would make a difference." "So, too," he added, "would the (Haitian) military taking responsibility for the conditions that exist now in Haiti." He left open the possibility that the United States would support the re-imposition of the United Nations 1mbargo against Haiti if violence there does not stop. The spokesman later issued a statement saying a delegation of high-level administration officials -- led by Alexander Watson, assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs, and Lawrence Pezzulo, the secretary's special adviser on Haiti -- would travel to Port-au-Prince September 20 to express support for Haiti's newly installed constitutional government. NNNN .