
登录号:291693 FILE ID:EPF116 DATE:93年6月28日TITLE:WHARTON:CLINTON愿意满足苏哈托双侧东京(93年6月28日)TEXT:* 93062816.EPF * EPF116 93年6月28日* WHARTON:克林顿愿意满足苏哈托双边IN TOKYO(成绩单:沃顿商学院的新闻发布会1993年6月28日)(660)雅加达 - 副国务卿克利夫顿沃顿商告诉记者,这里6月28日,克林顿总统愿意在双边与苏哈托总统交谈七国集团首脑会议在东京期间会晤。Asked why the U.S. government has not been explicit in saying from the very outset whether the Soeharto, as chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement, should meet with the G-7 in Tokyo, Wharton said, "The United States from the very beginning indicated that the decision with regard to participation was a collective decision. It was not up to the United States. However, President Clinton said that he himself personally would be very pleased to meet in a bilateral with President Soeharto." Following is transcript of Deputy Secretary of State Wharton's press conference with local press after call on President Soeharto at the president's residence on June 28: (begin transcript) WHARTON: It was a very fruitful meeting and discussion that we held. It clearly reaffirmed the very good and strong relationships which the United States has with Indonesia. I was very pleased by the discussion. Q: Would you tell us your version of the attack yesterday on Iraq? WHARTON: I don't think I can give you a separate version. All I can say is that the U.S. government action was taken under the provisions of the UN charter with regard to a direct attack on us and as viewed by us in terms of the attempted assassination of a former president of the United States. The evidence that was involved with regard to the participation by Iraqi intelligence in that effort was absolutely overwhelming. On that basis, the action was taken. Q: What is the trade issue between Indonesia and the U.S. that still needs to be adjusted? WHARTON: The point which I was making was the fact that as you move into greater globalization of trade, the countries that are involved in the trading pattern necessarily have to adjust their own production patterns. That's true in the United States as it is in the receiving nations -- whether it is two nations engaged in trade, three or four. The more regionalization and the more globalization you have in trade, the more it means that you have to adjust your trading patterns. What I was alluding to in my discussions with the president was that given the move towards greater regionalism, greater globalization, all countries, Indonesia included, will have to adjust and accomodate to their trade. That was the point that I was making. Q: Sir, I'd like to go back to this attack on Iraq. Your reaction towards Iraq is very swift, but very slow on Bosnia, would you comment on that please? 1 WHARTON: There is a difference between a direct attack upon the United States and its national interests and a situation in which there is a collective approach to the situation in Bosnia. In the Bosnian case, it has been an issue before the United Nations in which all of those nations are involved in decision-making. In this particular case, it was a specific incident with regard to the United States alone. Q: You have said that the U.S. administration has given a very positive response towards closer, not only South-South cooperation, but also cooperation between the North and South. The question remains why is it that the U.S. government has not been explicit in saying from the very outset whether the chairman of NAM should meet with the G-7 in Tokyo? WHARTON: The United States from the very beginning indicated that the decision with regard to participation was a collective decision. It was not up to the United States. However, President Clinton said that he himself personally would be very pleased to meet in a bilateral with President Soeharto. Thank you. (end transcript) NNNN .