
登录号:297235 FILE ID:EPF410 DATE:93年7月29日TITLE:越南战争女士纪念馆STAND NEAR “墙”(93年7月29日)TEXT:* 93072910.EPF * EPF410 93年7月29日*越战妇女纪念站在邻近“机器人瓦力”(JCS主席鲍威尔椅子开创性)(680)由John A.米勒美国新闻署从华盛顿报道 - 鲍威尔将军描述的越战妇女纪念“九几年的制作和20年的需要“。这是华盛顿的第一纪念馆专门纪念由美国妇女服兵役。参谋长联席会议主席参加参议员约翰·沃纳(弗吉尼亚州共和党人)约翰·克里(马萨诸塞州民主党),斯特罗姆·瑟蒙德(南卡罗来纳州的共和党),其他国会议员,军方和文职政要7月29日破土动工的纪念纪念越南战争期间谁担任妇女。前国防部长梅尔文·莱尔德和员工海军上将威廉·克罗的参谋长联席会议前主席还分别有兑现他们的女同事。雕像纪念妇女会站在近三个步兵雕像和对面的越战纪念墙,其中列出了在越南战争期间杀害妇女的八个姓。鲍威尔描述的女性退伍军人的服务为“隐形”,往往被忽视。“我知道你做店员......护士,但我不知道你不够好”  - 你的“恶梦,诗歌和经验,”他补充说。 In his 1peech, Powell also alluded to their stoic waiting for battle and the unrelenting pain of loss afterwards, risking feelings and compassion on someone they might soon lose to the silence of death. This is also suggested by a woman depicted in the statue clutching an empty helmet. According to a statement issued by the Vietnam Women's Memorial Project (VWMP), a non-profit organization incorporated in 1984 in Washington, its objectives are to identify the women who served during the war, to educate the nation about their contributions and to sponsor the memorial. The project has the support of every major veterans group in the country. So far only 9,000 women veterans have been located by the VWMP. Their stories and experiences will form a history the project plans to contribute to the Library of Congress. Silent no more, according to the VWMP, women veterans have a special role in discussions concerning U.S. military involvement abroad, the role of women in the military and veterans benefits. Approximately 11,000 American military women, nearly all volunteers, were stationed in Vietnam during the war. Ninety percent were nurses in the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Others served as physicians, physical therapists, air traffic controllers, communications specialists, intelligence and adminstrative personnel. Because of the nature of the guerilla warfare waged throughout the long years of the Vietnam War, many women were in the midst of the conflict, often caught in the crossfire of battles raging right around them. It is estimated that approximately 265,000 military women served worldwide during the Vietnam War. Thousands of women served in Japan, Guam, the Philippines and Hawaii. Navy women served aboard the USS Repose and the USS Sanctuary, hospital ships stationed off the coast of South Vietnam. Air Force nurses served both in Vietnam and on air evacuation missions. During the groundbreaking ceremony, a congratulatory message was read from fellow Vietnam veterans in Australia. An unknown number of civilian women also served in Vietnam as news correspondents and workers for the Red Cross, the USO, Special Services, the American Friends Service Committee, Catholic Relief Services and other humanitarian organizations. Like their military counterparts, many of these women were wounded in the crossfire. An estimated 20 civilian American women were killed in Vietnam. The bronze memorial, standing 6 feet, 8 inches high, is a triangular composition of four figures, a bent female, a male supine attended by a nurse and a standing woman at the apex. During August and September the Vietnam Women's Memorial Statue will travel by truck from the sudio of its sculptor, Glenna Goodacre, in Santa Fe, New Mexico to Washington D.C. It will stop in 21 cities along the way. The memorial will be dedicated on November 11, Veteran's Day, 11 years to the day after the memorial wall to the Vietnam War was opened. NNNN .