
登录号:296474 FILE ID:EPF509 DATE:93年7月23日TITLE:越南大赦可能已经解决甲POW / MIA CASE(93年7月23日)TEXT:* 93072309.EPF * EPF509 93年7月23日*越南大赦可能已经解决战俘/ MIA CASE(上HFRC小组委员会听证7/22条)(470)由John A.米勒美国新闻署从华盛顿报道 - 一名越南特赦程序可能根据证词期间帮助解决战俘/ MIA情况国会听证会7月22日在回答国会议员严厉的质询,国务院和五角大楼官员捍卫了自己的相关POW / MIA问题俄国档案文献调查。东亚太平洋事务的众议院外交事务小组委员会作证时进行了国家的副助理国务卿肯尼思·奎因和国防部代理副助理国务卿爱德华·罗斯。他们刚刚完成总统特别代表团到越南战俘的两个部分/ MIA事项。众议员加里·阿克曼(纽约民主党),谁主持了听证会,问,如果越南政府提供了最大程度的合作和什么是他们可以专门要求做。奎因说,越南政府可能会提高其大赦计划。He said the program permits Vietnamese to turn in without penalty human remains they have acquired for possible sale or in the hope of special treatment in emigrating to the U.S. The program has already yielded many remains and may have already cleared up one American POW/MIA case, Quinn said. Quinn said the Vietnamese could advertise the amnesty program more extensively, and the U.S. has offered to pay for this. Ackerman suggested giving the Vietnamese government a specific deadline for responding to this proposal. In response to questions by Delegate Eni Faleomavaega (Democrat of American Samoa), Ross said that the U.S. has provided the Vietnamese with everything the U.S. knows about every missing serviceman. Ross added that the U.S. has urged the Vietnamese to focus especially on 135 discrepancy cases, because these are the best candidates to still be alive. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (Republican of California) suggested that the U.S. present the Vietnamese with a specific list of political prisoners and others in Vietnam who the U.S. feels may be subjected to human rights violations. Representative Benjamin Gilman (Republican of New York) directed the subcommittee's attention to POW/MIA-related documents recently found in Russian archives. Quinn said that "This is, by everybody's agreement, a 1lawed document." Ross said the U.S. staff of ten working on the POW/MIA issue in Moscow "have aggressively pursued documents." He added that he thought there are probably many more "Russian intelligence documents of interest to us." When Ross said that the document in question was initially outside the U.S.-Russian joint task force search because it involved POWs not on Russian soil, Ackerman directed that a formal request be made to the task force to include such documents in future searches. NNNN .