
白宫新闻秘书办公室________________________________________________________________立即发布6月28日,1993年的总统的一封信众议院议长和总统当时参议院6月28日1993亲爱的议长先生:亲爱的总统先生:1993年6月26日下午4时22分左右开始,在我的指示下,美国海军向巴格达的伊拉克情报机构的主要指挥和控制大楼发射了一枚战斧式巡航导弹。这个设施是本研究所的总部,本研究所计划在今年四月前总统布什访问科威特时暗杀他,但失败了。美国这次军事行动在美国东部时间下午6点左右导弹击中目标后完成。在美国中央司令部的指挥下,两艘美国海军水面舰艇共发射了23枚精确制导的战斧导弹,对IIS基地的关键设施进行了协同打击。USS PETERSON (DD 969)在红海发射了14枚导弹,而USS CHANCELLORSVILLE (CG 62)在阿拉伯海湾发射了9枚导弹。这次行动的时间是经过精心挑选的,导弹在伊拉克当地时间凌晨2点左右击中,以尽量减少对无辜平民的危险。初步报告显示,该ReportsReports大楼受到严重破坏。遗憾的是,有一些平民伤亡。我是在考虑了美国情报和执法机构进行的彻底和独立调查的结果后,才下令采取军事行动的。 The reports by Attorney General Reno and Director of Central Intelligence Woolsey provided compelling evidence that the operation that threatened the life of President Bush in Kuwait City in April was directed and pursued by the Iraqi Intelligence Service and that the Government of Iraq bore direct responsibility for this effort. The Government of Iraq acted unlawfully in attempting to carry out Saddam Hussein's threats against former President Bush because of actions he took as President. The evidence of the Government of Iraq's violence and terrorism demonstrates that Iraq poses a continuing threat to United States nationals and shows utter disregard for the will of the international community as expressed in Security Council Resolutions and the United Nations Charter. Based on the Government of Iraq's pattern of disregard for international law, I concluded that there was no reasonable prospect that new diplomatic initiatives or economic measures could influence the current Government of Iraq to cease planning future attacks against the United States. more (OVER) 2 Consequently, in the exercise of our inherent right of self- defense as recognized in Article 51 of the United Nations Charter and pursuant to my constitutional authority with respect to the conduct of foreign relations and as Commander in Chief, I ordered a military strike that directly targeted a facility of Iraqi intelligence implicated in the plot against the former Chief Executive. In accordance with Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, this action was reported immediately to the Security Council on June 26. On June 27, Ambassador Albright provided evidence of Iraq's assassination attempts to the United Nations Security Council, which had been convened in emergency session at our request. I am certain that you share my sincere hope that the limited and proportionate action taken by the United States Government will frustrate and help deter and preempt future unlawful actions on the part of the Government of Iraq. Nonetheless, in the event that Iraqi violence, aggression, or state-sponsored terrorism against the United States continues, I will direct such additional measures in our exercise of the right of self-defense as may be necessary and appropriate to protect United States citizens. I remain committed to ensuring that the Congress is kept fully informed regarding significant employments of the U.S. Armed Forces. Accordingly, I am providing this report on the U.S. military actions of June 26, consistent with the War Powers Resolution. I appreciate your thoughts and continued support as we address these important concerns. Sincerely, WILLIAM J. CLINTON # # # .