
登录号:344675文件编号:TXT301日期:05/18/94标题:恐怖主义报告:伊拉克全文:恐怖主义报告:伊拉克(VOA社论)美国国务院最近发布了关于“全球恐怖主义模式”的年度报告。报告明确指出,国际恐怖分子依赖主权国家提供的资金、训练、避风港、武器和后勤支持。美国试图阻止这些国家支持恐怖主义,如果他们坚持下去,就要让他们付出代价。美国曾公开指出支持国际恐怖主义的国家,并实施经济、外交、有时是军事制裁。支持国际恐怖主义的七个国家之一是伊拉克。巴格达政权为几个恐怖组织提供庇护。其中包括库尔德工人党(PKK),该组织在土耳其杀害了数百人,并在许多其他欧洲国家发动了恐怖袭击。伊拉克还窝藏巴勒斯坦解放阵线和阿布·尼达尔组织等极端组织的成员。这些组织犯下了残暴的恐怖主义行为,杀害或伤害了包括美国在内的许多国家的公民。 The tyrannical regime of Saddam Hussein engaged in dozens of acts of terrorism last year, especially against U.N. personnel and international relief groups in northern Iraq. U.N. and relief workers have been shot at and had bombs or grenades tossed at their residences or vehicles. Last September, a U.N. truck carrying 12 tons of medical supplies was destroyed by a bomb that U.N. officials believe was attached by Iraqi agents at an Iraqi checkpoint. The driver and 12 other people were wounded by the blast. The Baghdad regime's most brazen act of terrorism was aimed at the United States in April 1993, Kuwaiti officials uncovered a plot to kill former President George Bush while he was visiting that country. In June 1993, it became clear that Iraq was behind the failed assassination plot, and President Bill Clinton ordered a missile attack on the Iraqi intelligence service headquarters in Baghdad. President Clinton said there should be no mistake by Saddam Hussein or "any nation, group or person who would harm 1ur leaders or our citizens." As Clinton stressed, the United States "will combat terrorism. We will deter aggression. We will protect our people." NNNN .