
登录号码:350555文件id: pol104日期:06/27/94标题:伍尔西说俄罗斯有组织犯罪对世界构成威胁(06/27/94)文本:*94062704。波尔伍尔西说在俄罗斯有组织犯罪构成世界的威胁(可以参与核武器转让)(450)保罗。马拉默德美国新闻署特约撰稿人华盛顿——有组织犯罪正在上升在俄罗斯和“迅速成为一个国际的威胁”,可能成为参与核材料非法转让,中央情报局局长说。之前在众议院外交事务委员会的一个小组委员会6月27日,中央情报局局长詹姆斯·伍尔西警告称,这象是黑手党的做法经济和黑市已经允许在前苏联社会繁荣可能酸俄罗斯民主试验和推动俄罗斯的“武器”“强硬的政治力量。”他说,俄罗斯在应对“对俄罗斯和国际社会的长期威胁”时,将面临“艰难而痛苦的未来”。乌尔西说,俄罗斯犯罪集团没有单一的等级制度,他们之间相互竞争影响力。他说,尽管如此,他们通过敲诈勒索、贩毒、银行诈骗、非法移民和非法销售低等级放射性物质,在一个财政破产的系统中获得了巨额利润。此外,伍尔西还说,前苏联国家的犯罪团伙已经建立了一个幌子组织的“基础设施”,这些组织可以在世界范围内“促进转让或销售”核武器,并拥有贿赂或恐吓“核武器操纵者”的资金资源。他补充说,“核武器和核材料贸易”现在不是俄罗斯黑手党的首要目标,因为毒品走私和敲诈勒索更为有利可图。不过,他警告称,“伊朗、伊拉克、利比亚或朝鲜等敌对国家”很可能为核材料提供市场。 Woolsey said there has already been some "nuclear smuggling" attempted by "desperate individuals" seeking to make fast money. He said the United States welcomes "the efforts of the Russian government" of President Boris Yeltsin to protect nuclear security. While "to date we have not yet detected any nuclear warheads or significant quantities" of nuclear material for sale by criminal groups, he said, "low-grade nuclear materials" are being sold on the black market and could be purchased by terrorists. "Anyone who believes this new era we're in is an era of dramatically reduced dangers," the director emphasized, "can't see beyond the end of his nose." "If something effective is not done" about "getting to the groups" attempting to corrupt ex-Soviet military and police officials, he said, it will be difficult for the Russian reform movement to succeed in the long run. Woolsey added that the CIA is "devoting more resources to the issue" of international organized crime and said the forces of law and order worldwide "can prevail if we persist." NNNN .