
登录号码:338939文件ID:LEF421日期:04/14/94标题:五角大楼集中在来源国家(04/14/94)文本:* 94041421.PFL * Lef421 04 / 14/14/14 *五角大楼努力在来源国家(SP)(House听证会4/14)NRB(465)由Norma Romano-Benner Usia工作人员华盛顿 - 国防部已重组其应注视秘鲁,哥伦比亚和玻利维亚贩毒贩毒政策并制作,根据五角大楼官员。作证在房屋武装服务小组委员会第14次,Brian E.Sheridan副助理助理政策和支持副助理秘书,表示,对这些国家的五角大楼支持“将旨在加强民主机构(和)鼓励国家决心和区域合作。”Sheridan明确表示,美国军事支持只会给予要求它的国家。他指出,这些援助将由向警察和军事单位提供培训和业务支持,并提供必备责任。“如过去,”他指出,“美国人员将被禁止参与或陪同主持人对执法行动。”他说所有对东道国部队的培训都将包括人权组成部分。Sheridan于1993年审议了拆除玻利维亚四大可卡因贩卖组织的共同努力,并在Demetroio“梵蒂冈”Chavez Penaherra的哥伦比亚被逮捕,被誉为秘鲁领导贩毒者。 Chavez was extradited to Peru, where he is being prosecuted for narcotics trafficking and treason. Despite a recommended cut of $135 million to specific counternarcotics Pentagon programs, Sheridan said the Pentagon is unswerving in its determination to dismantle cocaine cartels. 1 Lee P. Brown, the Clinton administration's top antidrug policymaker, applauded the Pentagon's strategy. He told the panel that President Clinton is committed to "strengthening the ability of our partners to carry out effective counternarcotics programs by themselves. "We want in particular to assist countries that have the political will to fight the drug trade. Our specific programs with these countries are aimed at strengthening their judicial systems, law enforcement and penal institutions, and their control of money laundering and precursor and precursor chemicals." Both Sheridan and Brown agreed that in times of reduced budgets "it makes sense to reduce our relying on random air and sea patrols and to extend interdiction operations deeper into the source countries. "This strategy" Brown said, "makes better use of available intelligence and cooperation with host governments." But he added "it is important to remember that we have not dismantled our interdiction capability in the transit zones." Brown said the new strategy, announced in February, calls for a reduction, but not the abolition, of the tools needed to interdict illegal drugs in transit regions. Sheridan said the Pentagon will continue to work with U.S. domestic law enforcement agencies at the 2,000-mile border with Mexico. NNNN .