
登录号:338100文件id: pol106日期:04/11/94标题:美国。北约在波斯尼亚的近距离空中支援行动(94年4月11日)波尔美国近距离空中支援北约在波斯尼亚的一部分操作1飞机由联合国前进空中控制员)(730年)由杰奎琳·s·与美国新闻署安全事务作家从华盛顿报道,美国飞机轰炸任务飞对波斯尼亚塞族阵地Gorazde地区连续两天被北约行动的一部分,旨在使交战一名美国军方官员说,各派都回到了谈判桌前。“这是北约的行动,”中将杰克希恩,运营总监联合参谋部,4月11日在五角大楼举行的新闻发布会上强调北约在波斯尼亚行动中,美国为联合国提供了近距离空中支援飞机保护力(UNPROFOR)人员被塞族火灾威胁4月10日和4月11日。希恩说,4月10日的轰炸是由联合国前方空中管制员控制的两架美国F-16战机执行的,随后在4月11日的轰炸任务是由一架F/ a - 18a战机在同样的情况下执行的。希恩说,美国飞机通常只执行北约在波斯尼亚上空“50%”的任务,因为北约在该地区有“很多”空中资源。他说,美军在这两天执行近距离空中支援任务纯属巧合。联合参谋部情报主管迈克尔·克雷默上将说,在联合国驻戈拉日德的军事观察员遭到狙击手和坦克的“直接射击”后,联合国部队司令部于4月10日向北约和联合国指挥系统提出了近距离空中支援的请求。 Approval was granted within 25 minutes. The F-16Cs dropped three MK-82 bombs on a Serb command post consisting of a large tent and some military vehicles, all of which were destroyed in the attack, he said. The command post was not the first target of choice, Sheehan said, but, because of bad weather, the U.S. pilots could not locate the Serb tanks which had been firing into Gorazde. Although the Serb attack stopped after the first bombing on April 10, Kramer said, the Serbs resumed their attack on U.N. military observer (UNMO) facilities on April 11 at an even heavier rate: eight shells per minute. He described it as "directed and precise fire" from artillery batteries which was hitting within 50 meters of the UNMOs, and U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees personnel were reporting shells within 200 meters of their positions. On April 11, Sheehan said U.S. F/A-18s did not hit the attacking Serb positions immediately. Instead, he said, they flew a couple of "high-speed supersonic runs" against the Serbs so there would be "no questions" in the Serbs' minds that the pilots of the U.S. aircraft were witnessing their violation of Security Council Resolution 836. In the meantime, the official said, UNPROFOR (U.N. Protection Force) Commander Michael Rose pursued last-minute efforts to broker a cease-fire in Gorazde. When those failed, the aircraft were authorized to use 120mm guns and MK-82 bombs against a group of Serbian heavy military vehicles thought to include BTR-60 armored personnel carriers (APCs) and T-55 tanks. Kramer said the bomb damage assessment was still incomplete, but he thought at least three APCs and a truck were destroyed. He said the Serbian guns have been still since the second air strike. U.N. Resolution 836 "is not an elective option," Sheehan said, explaining that it allows for the use of air power, in and around safe areas such as Gorazde, to support UNPROFOR in the performance of its mandate. Asked about the level of NATO force used against Serb positions, Sheehan said, "Clearly the intent is to get the warring parties back to the (negotiating) table." Military might won't solve the problem in Bosnia, he 1aid, stressing that "peace has to be something that all parties in this region want." Asked to assess the continuing danger posed by the Serbs around Gorazde, he cited reports that a few Serb tanks have crossed the Drina River. Asked if the Serbs have the capability to overrun Gorazde, Kramer said, "in absolute military terms, over time, left to their own devices, without external forces being added to the problem, that is a reasonable military assessment. Yes." NNNN .