
登录号:328024文件编号:pol205日期:02/22/94标题:国会报告,星期二,2月22日(02/22/94)文本:*94022205。美国众议院情报委员会正在考虑立法,将中央情报局(CIA)的预算公开给公众监督。尽管有警告称,这样的披露可能会危及美国的国家安全。中央情报局局长詹姆斯·伍尔西(James Woolsey) 2月22日对该委员会说,披露中情局的经费将使对手更容易渗透美国情报机构。他警告议员们说,说出钱花在哪里、花了多少钱也会让对手知道秘密行动。伍尔西和小组成员一致认为,民主国家完全关闭公共开支的原则岌岌可危。他们还一致认为,只有在国家安全真正面临危险时,有关支出的保密才应该是政府的政策。他们的分歧在于,冷战的结束是否使保密变得没有必要。委员会主席丹·格利克曼(Dan Glickman)说,这个问题值得研究。他说:“我们现在生活在一个完全不同的世界里,我们需要仔细考虑,在这一领域保持保密仅仅是冷战的遗迹,还是出于正当的国家安全目的。” Larry Combest, the ranking minority Republican on the Intelligence Committee, backed Woolsey's stance and sharply disagreed with Glickman. "I am strongly opposed to disclosure," which would be "the first step down a road to disaster for our national security," he asserted. Combest noted that the Clinton administration itself does not seek opening the CIA budget to public examination -- a point exemplified by Woolsey's testimony. He charged, however, that the president has agreed to consider the matter only to please his colleagues among the leadership of the Democratic majority in the Senate and House. NNNN .