
登录号:325670 FILE ID:ECO503 DATE:94年2月4日TITLE:加密出口CONTROLS维持,但PROCESS松弛(94年2月4日)TEXT:* 94020403.ECO ECTELELD出口控制/ TE加密出口CONTROLS维持,但PROCESS放松(对政府支持的标准几乎没有限制)(460)由布鲁斯·奥德赛1SIA从华盛顿报道 - 克林顿政府已决定维持关于将加密技术产品的出口管制,但已采取了一些措施,以加速许可他们。副助理国务卿玛莎哈里斯宣布2月4日,新的法规将允许美国制造商使用钥匙托管加密的限制产品,联邦政府支持的标准也称为Clipper Chip。对于加密设备除了剪辑芯片之外,她说,制造商仍然可以向外国批准出口的外国,并将不再需要获得每个最终用户的个人许可证。她说,对于储物许可证仍然需要,州部门的目标是加快审查两天的工作日,从几周开始。由联邦政府开发的Clipper芯片使美国,州和地方执法机构能够进行适当的窃听授权,以窃听数字电话通信。哈里斯表示,除了外交政策原因,可以没有许可的剪切筹码就没有许可的许可证,除了美国的制裁。至于美国行业对严格出口管制的令人失望,剩下其他加密设备,白宫新闻秘书德德迈尔斯的书面陈述提供了解释。“如果加密技术在全球自由上市,毫无疑问是由恐怖主义者,毒贩和其他罪犯危害美国人的广泛使用,”迈尔斯说。“由于这个原因,政府将继续限制最复杂的加密设备的出口,”她说,“既保留了我们自己的外国情报集合能力,而且由于我们担心强大加密技术的盟友的担忧会抑制 their law-enforcement capabilities." Also announced by the Clinton administration was formal approval of the Clipper chip as a voluntary federal standard, allowing government agencies to purchase such chips for use with telephones and modems. A Justice Department official said his agency was purchasing 8,000 at a cost of about $8 million. Two government agencies, one in the Commerce Department and one in the Treasury Department, will store the keys needed for decryption of communications using the Clipper chip. The administration made the Clipper chip standard voluntary, not mandatory, for government and business. In January several computer hardware, software and telecommunications companies said they intended to support some standard other than the Clipper chip in order to protect the privacy of communications from the government. An FBI spokesman said at a February 4 briefing the administration hopes private industry will go along with the voluntary standard. He realized some criminals won't use the Clipper chip to encrypt their messages. "We know we'll have to deal with that," he said. NNNN .