
登录号:323977文件id: lef319日期:01/26/94标题:cia公开在反毒品战争中的角色(01/26/94)文本:*94012619。LEF中情局局长说机构从事ANTIDR中情局披露作用对抗药物(Woolsey机构与DEA说,联邦调查局)nrb(630)(西班牙),诺玛Romano-Benner美国新闻署特约撰稿人从华盛顿报道,美国中央情报局(CIA),正常情况下,美国政府的沉默的手,对毒品的战争中发挥着积极的作用,与其他机构合作,“瓦解和摧毁整个贩毒链”。1月25日,在参议院情报委员会的公开证词中,中情局局长詹姆斯·伍尔西(R. James Woolsey)说,中情局“在打击非法毒品流入美国方面在世界各地发挥着建设性作用”。伍尔西说,中央情报局的工作重点是“获取必要的信息,以瓦解和瓦解整个贩毒链——运输、资金和指挥链....。我们这样做是为了打击拉丁美洲和远东的人贩子。”他说,美国中央情报局(CIA)和美国缉毒局(DEA)提供了“必要的情报支持”,导致哥伦比亚麦德林贩毒集团领导人巴勃罗·埃斯科瓦尔(Pablo Escobar)被发现。12月初,埃斯科瓦尔在试图逃离麦德林藏身地时被枪杀。伍尔西补充说,全球范围内不断扩大的毒品贩运网络所带来的挑战,“不可能仅靠一个部门来应对,也不可能仅靠一个机构来完成。”“我们的情报工作将继续支持缉毒局和联邦调查局的执法工作,因为我们相信,只有通过协调一致的努力,我们才有希望击败我们社会上的这颗癌症。” Woolsey reminded the senators that counternarcotics work still faces hazards, including the temptation of bribery and extortion. "In this field we can never guarantee to you that we and the other U.S. agencies involved will never be betrayed by those who assist us in, say, Latin America or Asia," he said. "Part of the unfortunate reality of the counternarcotics business is that local foreign officials sometime succumb to the lure of drug money. Moreover, American officials -- ours and those of other agencies -- are not always correct in the difficult judgments that must be made in this complex area." Like narcotics trafficking, and despite the end of the Cold War, Woolsey said terrorism and political instability worldwide continue to pose a threat to the national security of the United States. 1 "Progress is occurring, but it is spotty," he said. "Local strife in Somalia and Haiti and the tragedy in Bosnia continue to threaten stability in those countries and nearby regions." On the positive side, Woolsey noted, "the political, security and economic pictures are generally in the range from light gray to bright" in the Asia-Pacific region, Latin America, and Europe. He warned that terrorism remains a problem and is not confined to the Middle East. "It's still being used in Latin America and in Western Europe," he said. "Terrorism has not abated. There were 427 terrorist incidents worldwide last year compared to 362 in 1992. Indeed, terrorist incidents could increase as a result of growing ethnic, religious, and regional conflicts throughout the globe." To fight terrorism, Woolsey pledged the cooperation of the intelligence community. "We will continue to support the FBI and the Justice Department here at home as well as foreign intelligence organizations abroad, in combatting terrorism. "Our work must often be done out of the glare of publicity, and you will rarely find us speaking out about the successes we've had in disrupting or foiling terrorist plots. This is because we need to protect those who would provide us with vital information and to protect methods critical to us if we're to continue to keep Americans out of harm's way." NNNN .