
登录号:323794 FILE ID:POL304日期:94年1月26日标题:WHITE HOUSE报告,周三,1月26日(94年1月26日)TEXT:* 94012604.POL WHITE HOUSE报告,周三,1月26日(爱国者,俄罗斯,克林顿的健康,游客)(640)新闻发布会 - 新闻秘书迪伊·迪伊·迈尔斯讨论了以下主题:克林顿“看上去毫不逊色” ON PATRIOTS首尔迈尔斯告诉提问的总统“长相毫不逊色”于提供爱国者导弹韩国,但没有作出决定,他们那里部署。她说,在韩国,一般加里·勒克,美国指挥官在他的安全半岛回顾爱国者出货。“最后的部署决定还没有做出,”迈尔斯说,但她指出,指挥官认为这种部署“将加强对1egion安全”,“我们正在考虑他的建议非常重视。”纽约时报报道说,政府正在考虑36送爱国者反导弹发射到韩国。纽约时报报道说,如果北朝鲜攻击韩国,朝鲜可能会发射飞毛腿导弹对空中场和港口,以生硬的报复性空袭和补给和增援的缓慢分布。爱国者旨在通过摧毁来袭导弹或敲赶走当然,以保护这些设施。虽然爱国者被誉为海湾战争中的有效武器,后来调查以色列和美国军队质疑其能力,以保护人口中心;它似乎很好地工作在保护沙特阿拉伯港口。 Myers told a questioner that "a number of steps" must be taken before a decision to deploy the Patriot is reached. Asked if the Patriots have been "overhauled so they'll work" better, Myers replied that "I think that the missiles have been deemed effective, particularly to protect things like ports and air strips and bases, which is General Luck's objective in recommending them." WARY EYE ON RUSSIA PROMISED Clinton remains hopeful that Russian President Boris Yeltsin can keep the promises of economic reform made during the Moscow summit, Myers said, but the administration "will be watching to see what the policies are" as the new government is formed. "We're more interested in the policies than the personalities," she added. Questioned about Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin's rejection of the "romanticism" of market reform, Myers said, "We're going to watch the situation very closely. This is something we obviously take very seriously and we're very concerned about. We're going to continue to work with the Russians to encourage them in every way we can to stay on the road to reform." She said the administration "continues to be very concerned about the overall situation in Russia. It is our primary strategic concern and we will continue to work with the Russian government in their transition." Myers was responding to questions about testimony given by James Woolsey, director of Central Intelligence, before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Woolsey told the committee that prospects for economic reform have faded in Russia in the face of electoral changes and the possibility of instability and hyperinflation. Myers said Washington will work with Moscow to direct both bilateral and multilateral aid "to ways that can be most useful in helping them make the transition" and in promoting stability. CLINTON'S VOICE GIVES OUT The president canceled speaking engagements for January 26 and 27 under doctor's orders to rest his voice, which was reduced to a hoarse whisper after he delivered the 63-minute State of the Union address and took calls on the White House comment telephone line. Myers said the president was examined by a White House physician who ordered Clinton "not to speak too much." MAJOR VISIT PLANNED The British prime minister will meet with Clinton February 28, Myers said, "to continue their ongoing dialogue on a broad range of issues." She said the leaders will discuss the North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit, ways to promote economic development, Russia, and Northern Ireland. German Chancellor Helmut Kohl will meet Clinton January 31. NNNN 1 .