
登录号码:322292文件ID:POL105日期:01/24/94标题:克林顿作为下一个国防部长(01/24/94)的秘书:* 94012405.POL克林顿作为下一个国防部长佩里(副秘书矛头副秘书Stealth Technology)(490)由Alexander M. Sullivan Usia White House记者华盛顿 - 总裁克林顿采摘威廉·佩里,五角大楼管理专家,成为下一代国防部长1月24日。佩里,国防部的副秘书,曾担任过在卡特政府期间,防御的裂缝,并借鉴了隐形技术飞机的驱动器,并设计了设计特殊融资安排,使其秘密发展成为可能。“几年前,”克林顿指出,佩里“对1tealth技术的力量进行了愿景,”一种制造技术,使飞机难以在雷达上发现。这项技术,克林顿指出,在波斯湾战争中赶上了时代“并帮助拯救了美国人的生活。”佩里开始了隐形项目,而在研究和工程防御之外。在军事工业综合体中指出,作为收购国防产权的创新思想家,提高防御支出问责制的创新思想家。他一直是斯坦福大学国际安全和军备控制控制中心的联合主任,并作为一个与国防相关主题的商人和银行家服务。他是总统外国情报咨询委员会和参议院智力选择委员会的技术审查小组的成员。佩里,67,是一个数学家,是斯坦福大学的工程教授。 Perry said he had Clinton's commitment to press Congress for a new reform plan on weapons acquisition tailored to meet readiness requirements as the U.S. military decreases in size. Clinton, in a White House ceremony, said he will nominate Perry because of Perry's "lifetime of accomplishment and his solid leadership at the Pentagon." The president said Perry "has the right skills and management experience for the job. He has the right vision for the job." Perry had served "with real distinction" as both undersecretary and deputy secretary of defense, Clinton said. "For years, and throughout his service this past year, he has been at the cutting edge on defense issues," the president added. He said Perry had been "instrumental" in developing the new defense budget, which "protects the readiness of our forces and promotes our aggressive efforts at defense conversion, the development of dual use technologies, and the creation and preservation of American jobs." Clinton also credited Perry with "an important role" in the trilateral agreement by which Ukraine agreed to keep its commitments under the Lisbon protocol to eliminate the nuclear weapons left behind when the Soviet Union dissolved. Clinton did not elaborate on Perry's contribution to the pact, signed in Moscow January 14. Perry's nomination follows the withdrawal of retired Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, the former intelligence executive who accused the Washington news media of unfounded attacks on his reputation. Pending Perry's confirmation by the U.S. Senate, Defense Secretary Les Aspin will continue to serve in his post. NNNN .