
利比亚制裁将继续(VOA社论)(以下是美国之音12月12日播出的一篇社论,表达了美国政府的政策)利比亚独裁者卡扎菲继续藐视正义。这就是联合国安理会宣布将继续对利比亚实施制裁的原因。根据制裁,利比亚被要求减少其在全球的外交存在,关闭利比亚航空公司的所有办事处,并停止国际航班。军事装备和一些石油技术的销售被禁止。一些利比亚资产被冻结。实施制裁是因为利比亚卷入了国际恐怖主义。1988年12月,利比亚特工在泛美103航班上安放了一枚炸弹;这架飞机在苏格兰洛克比上空爆炸,造成270人死亡。利比亚人还对1989年9月法国联合航空公司772航班的轰炸负责; 171 people died when that plane exploded over Niger. After a thorough investigation, the United States and Britain brought criminal charges against two Libyan intelligence agents in the Pan Am bombing. French authorities are investigating four Libyan officials in the UTA bombing. But Libya has refused to cooperate with these investigations. And the Qadhafi regime continues its support for international terrorism. As the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Madeleine Albright, said, "Instead of turning over the suspects, Libya has attempted to 'compromise' through a series of proposals whose common thread is to evade compliance, confuse the issue, shift responsibility and defy the requirements of the (U.N. Security) Council. We want to send a clear message to the Libyan regime," said Albright. "Your efforts to stall and delay in the hope that council members will forget that terrible night over Lockerbie will not succeed." Ambassador Albright called on all U.N. members to ensure that the sanctions against Libya are enforced. "We want those involved in sanctions-busting for profit to know they will not escape the scrutiny of (the U.N. Security Council)," she said. "Until Libya complies, U.N. members must continue to treat it as a pariah state." NNNN .