
登录号:370066文件ID:LEF103日期:12/05/94标题:ASPIN SEES MORE NON-TRADITIONAL FUNCTIONS FOR U.S. MILITARY(12/05/94)文本:*LEF103 12/05/94 ASPIN SEES MORE NON-TRADITIONAL FUNCTIONS FOR U.S. MILITARY (12/05/94克林顿总统的外国情报顾问委员会主席说,在冷战后的世界里,美国军队将越来越多地被要求执行“维和和缔造和平”行动,以及执行其他非传统的军事任务。前国防部长、众议院军事委员会主席阿斯平说,美国的军事资产传统上被用来保护美国的安全和利益。但是,他在最近由美国和平研究所主办的一次会议上对与会者说,“由于苏联已经消失”,对安全的威胁有所减少。这一威胁的减少并不意味着美国将不再关注其他挑战,如对付恐怖分子、武器扩散者和毒品贩子,但他预测,武装部队将越来越多地参与保护“美国价值观”。根据Aspin的说法,“新世界”希望看到美国的高调领导,而美国往往是唯一一个拥有“有能力做必要的事情”的军队的国家,因为它是唯一一个拥有充足后勤、技术和训练的国家。“所以这个世界,更多……他说:“我们更希望美国军方介入。”这位前国防部长在会议上发表讲话时表示,在美国就外交政策进行了长时间的辩论之后,可能会形成一种共识,即美国应该干预,防止饥荒、种族清洗或民主选举产生的政府垮台,以免它们被独裁政权取代。他强调:“利用美国军事资产保护美国价值观,与利用它们保护安全和……是两码事。” (national) interests." Most of the problems occurring in the world today, he said, involve "moral" or "values cases," and intervening in such cases may result in the United States getting involved "in the internal fights within a country as opposed to dealing with the aggression" of one country against another. He described this new world as a much more complicated one. Preparing military intelligence for values cases is especially challenging, according to Aspin. Intelligence collection is set according to priorities, with security and national interest being high on the list, he said, but intelligence officers "don't know where (in the world) a values case is going to crop up." Rwanda, for example, Aspin said, keeps bouncing up and down on the intelligence priority list depending on changing circumstances there. "The values agenda" is frequently driven by the spotlight of major news media such as CNN, Aspin noted. He also warned that the general public can change its mind often and quickly when reacting to values cases. The public may accept loss of life if U.S. soldiers are deployed for interventions associated with defending U.S. security or interests, he suggested, but may not if they are thought to be dying exclusively for American values. The U.S. military is concerned about the signals sent to hostile forces when American forces are deployed and then quickly withdrawn when public opinion turns negative as it did in Somalia. The military, Aspin said, worries about the possibility of decisions regarding deployments being manipulated through the media. The U.S. military, Aspin noted, "is not anxious" to be involved in any operations which are not tied to U.S. security and interests and are "generally uncomfortable" supporting missions tied to protecting American values, largely because it impinges on military readiness and is considered closer to "police work" than soldiering. He suggested that the United States may want to explore the idea of developing a "Foreign Legion" concept whereby U.S. military units would be devoted to traditional duties while other units would be tasked with international policing functions. Alternatively, Aspin suggested the possibility of using reserve forces for peacekeeping functions abroad where 1anger is highly unlikely. He also suggested consideration be given to sharing the workload on values cases with other nations so that the U.S. military would be responsible for the tasks it does best, such as intelligence, logistics and communications, while leaving other aspects of the mission, including manpower, to the militaries of other nations. A United Nations international police force concept could be creatively employed, he said, although he had no recommendations on who would pay for it. NNNN .