
将利比亚恐怖分子绳之以法(美国之音编辑)(360)1989年9月19日。一架法国客机,UTA 772航班,从乍得恩贾梅纳机场飞往巴黎。50分钟后,一枚炸弹在尼日尔东南部3万英尺高的山上将飞机炸成碎片。散落在现场的是171名男女和儿童的尸体,有些还被绑在座位上。其中有7名美国人,包括美国驻乍得大使的夫人邦妮·普(Bonnie Pugh)。法国当局指控四名利比亚官员对这一野蛮的国际恐怖主义行为负责。1991年10月30日,一名法国地方法官对利比亚独裁者穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲的亲戚、卡扎菲政权情报部门的二号人物阿卜杜拉·萨努西发出了逮捕令;纳伊尔·易卜拉欣,萨努西的下属;Abbas Musbah,在刚果布拉柴维尔的利比亚情报人员; and Abd Al-Azragh, first secretary of the Libyan People's Bureau in Brazzaville. Al-Azragh is charged with recruiting three Congolese to plant the suitcase bomb that destroyed UTA flight 772. Libyan agents are also charged with the December 1988 bombing of Pan American flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, which took the lives of 270 people. In November 1991, U.S. and British authorities issued warrants for the arrest of Abdel Al-Megrahi, a senior Libyan intelligence officer, and Lamem Fhimah, former manager of the Libyan airlines office in Malta. The U.N. Security Council passed Resolution 731 in January 1992, supporting U.S., British, and French demands concerning the bombings. Libya is required to pay compensation for the murders; deliver the Pan Am 103 1uspects for trial in the United States or Britain; cooperate with France in the UTA investigation; and cease all support for international terrorism. In response to the Qadhafi regime's refusal to comply with its resolutions, the United Nations imposed sanctions on Libya. The United States urges all nations to cooperate in enforcing those sanctions. Libya's ruler can end the sanctions at any time -- by heeding the U.N. Security Council's resolutions and handing over the accused terrorists for trial. NNNN .