
登录号:356013 FILE ID:POL508日期:94年8月5日标题:北约打击波黑塞族目标追随冲突(94年8月5日)TEXT:* 94080508.POL北约打击波黑塞族目标下列违法行为(国防部官员说,额外的目标预核准)(550)通过杰奎琳S.波思USIA安全事务记者华盛顿 - 十六北约的飞机在萨拉热窝8月5日袭击了波黑塞族目标,破坏自走式反坦克武器的重型武器绝对禁区。海军中将约翰·希恩,为参谋长联席会议的工作人员运营总监表示,北约空袭被授权之后增加的暴力波斯尼亚水平。8月3日,他说,联合国保护部队(联保部队)拒绝波斯尼亚塞族努力打入联保部队的武器收集区。希恩,谁在五角大楼向记者介绍下旬8月5日说,联合国特别代表波斯尼亚,明石康“预先批准”北约的空中支援下这一事件。联保服务乌克兰军队未来目睹波黑塞族在黎明前小时回8月5日偷两辆装甲运兵车中,T-52主战坦克,以及从一个伊利扎76毫米自行火炮萨拉热窝以南约15公里处。美洲狮直升机派遣到视觉跟踪设备转身回来时,波黑塞族地面发射就可以打开了。北约当局则确定“等一系列目标”,这是批准的联保。四美国A-10疣猪,四家荷兰的F-16猎鹰,四名法国F-1幻影和四个英国美洲虎被送往摧毁这些目标,恶劣的天气,阻碍他们的努力不完整的情报。美国A-10S的两个达成了波黑塞族反坦克枪,600发子弹,并报告其摧毁,但希恩说,北约正在等待独立确认车辆被摧毁。 While some ground-to-air fire was reported by the NATO pilots, Sheehan said no aircraft damage was reported. Meanwhile, he said the Bosnian Serb Army passed word that it would return the stolen weapons and UNPROFOR signalled NATO to call off the rest of the operation. The briefer cautioned however that the set of targets, which were preapproved, "is still active in the sense that they are still available should they be required." Later, a senior Defense Department described the "target set" selected by NATO as "proportional to what was taken" by the Bosnian Serbs. Asked to justify the strike, the official said it was in response to "increased violence in the Sarajevo area," including the second violation of the UNPROFOR weapons storage area by the Bosnian Serbs. The commander of the Allied Forces in Southern Europe, Admiral Leighton Smith, told reporters in Naples August 5 that additional NATO aircraft remain on "alert status" should they be needed. He expressed hope that once the stolen weapons are returned to UNPROFOR in Bosnia that tensions will diminish and the situation will return to normal. In particular, he 1aid he hopes there will be a reduction of sniper activity. Smith, whose remarks were communicated into the Pentagon, noted that the aircraft carrier, USS George Washington, would be in the area on August 6. The humanitarian airlift into Sarajevo, which had just resumed after a two week suspension, was suspended again following the NATO air strike. The last NATO action in Bosnia occurred on April 10-11 when NATO aircraft attacked targets in the Gorazde area after U.N. personnel requested air protection. NNNN .