
Accession number:353057 file id: nea406 date:07/14/94 title: gore: U.S. sending one of its very best as ambassador to Riyadh (07/14/94) text:*94071402。PFN gore: mabus ambass to riyadh/#aq sg kf + *NEA406 07/14/94 gore:美国发送它的一个最好的驻利雅得(来自美沙关系马布斯宣誓就职)(680年)由艾哈迈德Qutub美国新闻署特约撰稿人从华盛顿报道,克林顿总统的选择雷蒙德·马布斯作为新的美国驻沙特阿拉伯王国展示他的“决心把这样一个美国最好的之一副总统戈尔7月13日说。戈尔在国务院为马布斯举行的宣誓就职仪式上说,这次选举表明克林顿“致力于派一个非常了解美国政府如何决策,非常了解需要考虑的所有问题的人。”戈尔说克林顿“崇拜雷蒙德……他看重自己的个性、动力、巨大的智慧和清晰表达想法的能力。”他补充说,“这对美国和沙特阿拉伯之间的这一极其重要的关系尤其有价值。”马布斯曾在1988年至1992年期间担任密西西比州州长,他对克林顿邀请他担任驻“中东稳定与和平的重要盟友和伙伴”大使表示欢迎。这位副总统说,“沙漠风暴行动”已经向许多人证明了“美沙合作的至关重要”,并补充说,沙特阿拉伯是“我们重要的商业伙伴和重要的朋友之一”。马布斯说,数百名宾客面前——包括班达尔王子本苏丹,沙特驻华盛顿大使——沙特阿拉伯有一个“前所未有的影响世界的能量方程式”,是美国商品的主要市场,因此为美国工人,购买价值100亿美元的产品仅在过去的四个月。” Cooperation between our two countries, Gore stressed, is "built on a solid foundation, bilateral friendship, understanding and the pursuit of common goals." He cited U.S.-Saudi partnership during the Cold War when both "worked together in Afghanistan." Today, he added, "we consult together closely on Bosnia, Yemen and other international trouble spots." Gore said that both Americans and Saudis value their traditions and commitments, and both believe that family is the basic building bloc of the society. He added that "Building on such shared values, our people can relate to one another easy and well...." The vice president declared that the United States is "confident that 1overnor Mabus will build on the rich foundation of our two countries' common interests and shared beliefs. And we are confident that Saudi Arabia will find in Governor Mabus a valued friend, a trusted interlocutor and eager partner in developing our bilateral relationship." "I only hope to do my job in Riyadh as well as Prince Bandar has done his job in Washington," Mabus said, adding, "the fact that Prince Bandar came back from Saudi Arabia to be here today, shows the seriousness with which he takes his job and the importance to both countries of the relationship." Gore welcomed the presence of "my close friend Prince Bandar Ben Sultan, who is indeed the dean of the diplomatic corps here in Washington, and a leader of the diplomatic community in many ways." Referring to a recent visit he made with Prince Bandar to the Islamic Center in Washington, the first by a vice president, Gore said, "I certainly appreciate that visit.... It was a quite moving experience for me, a learning experience, and one which meant a great deal to me." Gore hailed the progress Saudi Arabia has made in a relatively short period of time. Saudi Arabia, he said, "is an important and an amazing place. In just a few short decades, it built a modern high technology state, and improved health care and education a lot for all of its citizens." The vice president congratulated Saudi Arabia for the excellent performance of its soccer team at the World Cup 1994 tournament. "We were thrilled," he said, "with the outstanding performance of the Saudi soccer team. Soccer is a team game. Teams get better when they are together a long time. And our countries have proved that, too." NNNN .