
登录号:352358文件id: epf103日期:07/11/94 1标题:国会报告,7月11日(07/11/94)文本:*94071103。印第安纳州民主党众议员李·汉密尔顿(Lee Hamilton)是众议院外交事务委员会主席。以下是他在7月11日的访谈节目中所接受采访的部分内容:(节选自Legi-Slate)北韩的金正日。汉密尔顿:权力似乎正在向他的方向移动。到目前为止,这一转变似乎运行得相当顺利。因此,看起来他将成为领导者。他们称呼他为"阁下"这是他们给他父亲的头衔。因此,他似乎开始巩固权力。但今天晚些时候,在他们的会议之后,我们会了解更多。他与外国领导人几乎没有接触。 He didn't see, for example, former President Carter when he was there. I think, only rarely has he traveled out of the country. So, we have not much to measure this man by. We have had some unsettling reports about him, but we're operating on very skimpy evidence here. There have been indications that he's liked the fast life, that he has been very, very close to the more militant factions in North Korea. But I don't think we should jump to any conclusions at this point. U.S. INTELLIGENCE ABOUT NKOREA VERY POOR HAMILTON: It's very poor. This is the most isolated country in the world. We've had almost no contact with its leadership. ENCOURAGING THAT THEY'RE WILLING TO PROCEED HAMILTON: I think that's encouraging that they're indicating a willingness to proceed. It's important to keep in mind here, I think, that our fundamental interests have not changed. We still want to see the nuclear weapons program contained and rolled back. Those interests of ours are exactly the same as they were, and we have to push ahead. So long as we're able to verify what they are doing in their nuclear program, I don't think a delay is going to hurt us. NORTH KOREA-SOUTH KOREA TALKS HAMILTON: Those were scheduled, I think, for the 25th of this month. We'll just have to wait and see what develops there. From our standpoint, it's important that both sets of talks go forward -- the North-South talks, as well as our talks with North Korea, and I think we expect them to at this point. We should strengthen our deterrent capabilities in South Korea, but we ought not to do it in a provocative way. I think what's required at the moment is a very steady hand -- and that means that we take our seat at the table and tell them we're ready to negotiate whenever they've gone through the period of mourning, that we continue to strengthen the military deterrents, but not do it in a very blatant, provocative way, and we must have -- leave no doubt in their mind what our bottom line is with regard to the negotiations. G-7 SUMMIT HAMILTON: I think it was a good meeting. What impresses me most of all about these meetings now is they have become quite routine -- and that's very good. There was no great dramatic development there. The economies of the major countries are moving in the right direction. I think, in many ways, the most immediate impact may very well be with respect to Bosnia. We are approaching a very critical point on Bosnia, and the next few days are going to determine, I think, whether you move towards 1eace or war there. And the key now is whether the Bosnian Serbs will accept this proposal. (end excerpts) NNNN .