
登录号:346102文件id: pol307日期:05/25/94标题:国会报告,星期三,5月25日(05/25/94)文本:*94052507。参议院外交关系委员会于5月25日建议参议院全体成员批准一项重要的关于种族歧视的国际条约,并通过一项有关台湾的特别法案。它还建议参议院批准克林顿总统提名的几位外交政策制定者。委员会建议参议院同意批准《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》。克林顿政府曾强烈敦促参议院以三分之二多数通过总统协议。委员会成员建议参议院通过第148号联合决议,表示参议院认为应鼓励联合国给予台湾全面参与。他们还建议大卫Birenbaum美国驻联合国大使管理改革,莎莉谢尔顿是国际开发署助理管理员,皮尔西1月美国世界银行执行董事,哈丽雅特·巴比特是一个美洲基金会的董事会成员,以及玛丽亚·伊莲娜·托拉诺成为美国公共外交顾问委员会成员。该小组推荐弗兰克·威斯纳(Frank Wisner)担任美国驻印度大使,蒂莫西·乔巴(Timothy Chorba)担任美国驻新加坡大使,小约瑟夫·保利诺(Joseph Paolino Jr.)担任美国驻马耳他大使。房子支持海地难民避风港的微弱多数议员在众议院投票支持海地难民的避难所的想法在海地岛(Ile de la Gonave。1于5月24日众议院表决通过223 - 201年的修正案1995财年国防授权法案,敦促克林顿 administration, in cooperation with the Organization of American States, to establish the safe haven. The vote came on the same day that stronger United Nations trade sanctions against Haiti went into effect in an attempt to force out the military rulers and return the democratically elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, to power. SENATE AGAIN FAILS TO BREAK FILIBUSTER ON BROWN NOMINATION The Senate May 25 for the second consecutive day failed to get the 60 votes needed to break a filibuster against the nomination of Sam Brown to be U.S. ambassador to lead a U.S. delegation to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE). The vote on the second attempt at cloture to cut off debate was 56-42. The first cloture vote May 24 was 54-44. A Senate staffer said it is now up to the Senate majority leader when to schedule another attempt at cloture. The Brown nomination, the staffer said, remains pending on the executive calendar of the Senate. The staffer said Brown appears to have enough support to be approved if a three-fifths Senate vote on cloture can be obtained. Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Claiborne Pell, who supports the nomination, said the Senate was only being asked to assign the title of ambassador to Brown while he negotiates the conventional forces treaty. Whether the title is conferred or not, Brown will be the negotiator, Pell said. COUNTERESPIONAGE BILL GAINS IN SENATE INTELLIGENCE PANEL The Senate Intelligence Committee, by a 16-0 vote May 24, approved legislation to better coordinate efforts by federal agencies to detect and prevent acts of espionage against the United States. The bill includes a provision, similar to one embodied in a presidential directive issued by President Clinton on May 3, that would require the president to create a National Counterintelligence Policy Board comprised of the heads of various agencies with counterintelligence responsibilities, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Defense Department and the National Security Council. The bill also provides greater access to the financial and credit records of individuals with access to classified information. However, panel chairman Dennis DeConcini said the bill will not move to the House floor until the Clinton administration and the committee agree on when the FBI should be informed of information that raises suspicions of espionage activities. The legislation is a result of concerns about the nation's counterintelligence system raised by the arrest of longtime CIA official Aldrich Ames on charges of spying for the Soviet Union and later Russia. NNNN .