
访问编号:384774 file id: aef505 date:03/24/95 title: bismarck myrick宣誓就任美国驻莱索托大使(03/24/95)text:*95032401。联合会有限公司:莱索托/ AMB。星期二MYRICK主持/驼鹿、射频、WPL (FR), HRsp * AEF505 03/24/95俾斯麦MYRICK宣誓就任美国驻莱索托(FR)(将寻求支持民主的过程)(590年)由罗伯特·富勒顿美国新闻署特约撰稿人从华盛顿报道,声称“的一个最有前途的发展”在非洲南部1994年”是成功的恢复”莱索托民选政府俾斯麦·麦里克于3月23日宣誓就职。驻莱索托大使。“贵国的经验为成功解决冲突提供了一个模式,”他转向莱索托驻美国大使尤尼斯·布兰(Eunice Bulane)说。大约300人参加了在国务院优雅的本杰明·富兰克林厅(Benjamin Franklin Room)举行的宣誓就职仪式,该厅的阳台俯瞰华盛顿广场(Washington Mall)、林肯纪念堂(Lincoln Memorial)和波托马克河(Potomac River)。在客人中有Myrick的家人、老师和在弗吉尼亚州朴茨茅斯的诺卡姆高中的同学、朋友和国务院的同事,包括国务院负责管理的副国务卿理查德·穆斯。在谈到他即将上任的任务时,Myrick指出,莱索托最近的地理邻国南非“正处于深刻的变化之中,这将给该地区所有其他国家带来挑战和机遇。”“在这方面,”他对布兰大使说,“在你们寻求加强区域合作的途径和继续推进民主化进程时,我期待着与你们和贵国政府合作。”我打算培养与贵国政府成员以及莱索托社会各阶层的诚实、坦率和受尊重的对话。” The new ambassador told guests: "Your attendance at this ceremony revalidates my strong faith in the goodness, beauty, and generosity of America and all of its people. I will take great pride in representing my country, all of you, and this administration in the Kingdom of Lesotho." In his introductory remarks, Under Secretary Moose said that Myrick "will bring his considerable intelligence, reasoned judgment, and his demonstrated courage and a lifelong commitment to advancing U.S. interests." Moose recalled that as assistant secretary for African affairs 15 years ago, he worked closely with Myrick on the new ambassador's first department assignment as country officer for Somalia. Both share a "fascination" with the continent, he said. "He has spent a good part of his career advancing American interests in that part of the world," Moose said. "His reputation as an Africanist has been honed through tours in Monrovia, in Durban, and most recently in Cape Town...�and� the Kingdom of Lesotho is receiving a person in whom our president places great confidence." Turning his focus briefly to southern Africa, Moose said nations there are experiencing "a profound transition." South Africa, he said, "has embraced non-racial democracy. Mozambique has forsaken war and has installed an elected government, and Angola, hopefully, finally appears poised to end that region's last civil conflict. Through multiparty elections in Namibia, in Botswana and soon in Zimbabwe, the people of southern Africa have once again demonstrated that commitment to democracy crosses international borders." When some Basotho attempted to oust the democratically elected government in a coup last year, the people of Lesotho "strongly, but peacefully refused to go along. And Lesotho's democratic neighbors served notice that southern Africa would not tolerate an anti-democratic coup." That experience, Moose continued, "demonstrates once again that democracy is a process and that we must continually strive to strengthen the institutions that underpin our democratic system. The United States is proud of its role in supporting democracy and sustainable development in the Kingdom of Lesotho. I know that Bismarck will bring his proven talents to bear to assume a prosperous, stable, and democratic Lesotho within 1outhern Africa." NNNN .