
登录号码:00000文件ID:95033002.AAF日期:03/30/95标题:克里斯托弗将伊拉克人提出了关于拘留美国文本的通知通知:(FR)(FR)(监狱刑期不合理)(830)由Jim Fisher-Thompson Usia职员作家(830)WASHINGTON -- Secretary of State Warren Christopher made plain to Congress March 30 that the United States holds the government of Iraq responsible for the well-being of two U.S. citizens who strayed across its borders and have now been imprisoned in Baghdad. Christopher told the House International Relations Committee that "they innocently strayed into Iraq and their detentions and [prison] sentences are totally unjustified. We have insisted that they be released immediately." He said he wanted to emphasize that "we hold the government of Iraq directly responsible for their well-being and welfare during their period of detention. We are pursuing a range of diplomatic channels to secure their freedom, preserving all of our options in this process." Christopher stressed that "Iraq will receive no concessions, it has nothing to gain in continuing to hold these men. Their continued detention demonstrates that Iraq is not qualified to reenter into normal relations with the international community." The secretary made his comments during an International Relations Committee hearing considering the overall U.S. foreign affairs budget. He told Committee Chairman Benjamin Gilman that "the international affairs budget is an essential investment in our nation's security and prosperity." He said: "Consider what we get for our international affairs budget of $21,200 million: Our budget protects American lives by combating the spread of nuclear weapons, the threat of terrorism, and the scourge of drugs. It supports American jobs by promoting U.S. exports and creating new markets in developing countries. And it gives force to the principles America stands for by bolstering human rights and democracy around the world." Chairman Gilman said that "with annual budget deficits running the range of $200,000 million, there is no question that we must reshape, reform, and reduce our assistance programs as well as the organizations that implement them." And he added that this means that "the foreign affairs budget will have to contribute its fair share to [federal budget] deficit reduction." Congressman Tom Lantos countered Gilman by saying he thought the foreign affairs budget contained "the most effectively spent federal dollars because they are designed to create a globe in which the United States can live peacefully and trade productively." Christopher said: "I understand it's a lot of money, but there is so much disinformation about this in the press and the public mind. We've all seen the polls that indicate that many people in America think we could solve our budget problem if we just did away with foreign aid. Estimates range that in the minds of the public, 10 to 25 percent of our budget goes to foreign aid. And I think it's useful to let the public know as often as we can tell them that only 1.3 percent of our total budget goes to our entire international affairs account." While foreign aid is only a part of that amount, about $5,200 million of $21,200 million, the secretary emphasized that "I wouldn't be recommending we spend that much if I didn't think that every dollar of that gave back good value for the United States.... I think it is all well justified." On the issue of reform, Christopher told the committee that "each of the foreign affairs agencies is proceeding vigorously with streamlining efforts. I am convinced that ACDA [Arms Control and Disarmament Agency], USAID [U.S. Agency for International Development], and USIA [U.S. Information Agency] each has a distinct mission that can best be performed if they remain separate agencies under my supervision." Asked about U.S. policy toward Iran, Christopher told the lawmakers: "I think we need to continue our very strong policy of trying to contain Iran." He added that it was important to stick to this policy because "we've been trying to show the rest of the world that Iran is in a category all by itself in what they are doing to undermine the [Middle East] peace process and projecting terrorism around the world." Referring to the U.S. policy of pressing its allies to go along with the Iran boycott, Christopher said America "needs to lead" here and "we need to indicate by our own strong stance what we think the other nations should do." Commenting on the mysterious death and disappearance of two U.S. citizens in Guatemala, Christopher announced that President Clinton "today asked the Intelligence Oversight Board to conduct a governmentwide review of all of the facts and allegations" surrounding the deaths and disappearances. Christopher said he wanted to assure the committee that his actions in the affair would be guided by three basic principles: get at the underlying facts, which will involve cooperation with the Guatemalan government; when all the facts are in, take appropriate action; and "we must make available to the American people all the information possible." NNNN .